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Top Ten Reviews – Copyright Fair Use and Screenshots
Cornell Law School – Section 107
Wikipedia – Copyright Act of 1976
Quora – Legal to take a picture of a book I bought, for the Bigfoot Eruption site?
This page is born out of the frustration of not having our own photos for every page, which would be impossible. So, what is legal?
Using an image with permission…
(Captain Obvious)
I own the book, so can we put a picture of the book in our site, with no intent to make money off of it, just wanting our page in the site, for that author, to look good. Again, we bought the book!
(See above link about Right to Re-sell Property.)
Not having permission, but you have used an image with screen-shot tech.
(See the above links about screen shots.)
Taking a photo of anything; thus, the photo, is your property.
(Our Source: Bigfoot Eruption Lawyer.)
Update 2021: Oops, this got us into trouble!!!!
Share your input, pictures, comments, while giving you the credit. Input, meaning you offered it to us.
(The Bigfoot Eruption ownership.)
So, we have heard how the elite are angered by the photographers, that make a living, selling these photos to magazines and other media. Ah yes, the Paparazzi.
The most famous, English cryptozoological researcher, did not want to be represented in Bigfoot Eruption. So, we showed him, what a page would look like, and he was not pleased. In our attempt to ask permission by showing a finished page of what it would look like, we temporarily, for the sake of him seeing it, had one of his images as the featured image on his page, the page representing him. We think it spooked him.
It was one of those moments of looking like a bad guy, and not with wicked intent, and knowing there was no way to talk ourselves out of that hole. Based on the above law, we did nothing wrong.
That law must be wrong or we misinterpreted it. Pending review…
Note from May 17, 2023: Create page explaining how content creators can get spooked by what looks like SPAMMERS.
So now, when people go to the England section of Bigfoot Eruption, they will not know the whole story. This individual may be on some of the most popular Bigfoot Podcasts, and even speak at some of the most popular Bigfoot Festivals and Conferences, but many who come to Bigfoot Eruption site may not be privy to those such things. Meaning, we are sad we can’t fully tell our audience about this researcher, because our viewers miss out on know about this person.
Note: If this English Cryptozoologist is in a Podcast of a Podcaster that has given us permission, then will we put a link of it in the English Sasquatch Podcast Library? Yes.
Hey, we do this for free, and go in the hole every year, because we don’t do advertising yet, and the Eruption has not caught on enough for people to flock to our online shops, which would help pay the bills. Our web site went public on June 19, 2018, so maybe this is the reason. We have chosen patience, and we also know we are a bunch of nobody’s. The Bigfoot Community does a good job letting the “little people” know how they feel.
Many years ago, Burger King made an advertisement that made Fred Rodgers look dumb. He called them, and asked that they take it off the air. They did. Impressive.
We want to honor the individuals we represent. Before you ask us to not include you in Bigfoot Eruption, consider partnering with us to make your page even better.
However, our intent is to benefit you, and so that others may know about you.
Imagine you not being in Bigfoot Eruption, the guide for Bigfoot themed locations worldwide, and everybody is in it but you. Why would you want that?
We asked one overseas site, if we could use a photo from their Facebook to make their page look more completed, and they said no. Thus, we had to use a free image from Pixabay, of a location hundreds of miles away. That’s the closest we could find. Hey, we are basically doing this with both hands tied behind out backs.
Another in the Bigfoot community, one of our biggest allies, we have been accused of being “legal” but not ethical, which has us looking over our shoulder at every turn.
Again, instead of accusing us, please help by telling us, politely, and we will gladly make the correction.
Is not our effort to be ethical, noteworthy? An “A” for trying?
Again, if we have made an error, please let us know. Warning: be polite, because it was only a mistake, and one we would gladly remedy. We are OK learning by mentorship, and not by anger.
We share information that helps you learn about Bigfoot themed locations, and information. One of our main premises is that we need your help. You know of things that the rest of the world would want in this site.
It is easy for us to see now, how parts of the Bigfoot Community hate each other.
So, we have turned to asking permission for things we legally don’t need permission for. Not all the time, but we try. In every case, our efforts promote you in a positive way. Except of Satan and the secret societies that have ill intent, but even with them we try to be creatively courteous, while acknowledging that we don’t agree with them.
This has created some good Networking relationships. Here is our list of a few of those who have granted permission:
Google Maps
Pixaby Images
Eli Watson and the Cryptid Campfire Podcast
Tony Merkel and the Confessionals Podcast
Cliff Barackman
Lyle Blackburn
Richard Taylor
Christina’s Cucina
Cy’s Corner
Bigfoot Print and Copy
Facebook – Bigfoot Evidence
And that is just the beginning of it. To see everyone listed, go to our All-Stars page, which shows all who have contributed in some way.

Fair Use; Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.