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March – April 2019
We know a family with property north of Corvallis, Oregon, and west of Adair Village, Oregon, near Highway 99. The area has farm and ranch land in-between the infant mountains that are the beginning of the Coastal Range. These small mountains are scattered with clear-cut regions, and varying degrees of tree stand growth, mixed in with occasional untouched rain forest.
Our friends property is mostly older growth rain forest. At the top of the mountain are twenty year old tree-stands, that are very thick.
About 200 yards NE of the house, was a large tree structure or structures. Behind the main tree (tree structure #1), was a downed tree in the crux of another tree (tree structure #2), with twigs and branches strategically placed over it; thus, naturally falling twigs and leaves are captured, creating instant cover. Underneath (inside) was ground that had been matted down by use. This is the big find of the first visits.

Bed-down area under tree structure, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
We would say deer, but there was no deer scat in or within thirty feet of this structure. Cougar? No bones, prints, or hair. Also, there was no other structure like this anywhere on the property, include the broken aspects of the main tree, to create cover, and yet leave a clear view of the house. Deer would not care about this.
So let’s back up, first…
A game trail comes up the mountain and goes straight up the hill (mountain). These odd tracks were there.

Juvenile trackway, near tree structure, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
It is hard to tell in the picture, but the greenery was mashed down harder than we could duplicate, and in the form of a foot. Five feet away was the next “stomp” that was similar.

Juvenile trackway, near tree structure, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
This print smashed into the mud, something we could not duplicate. Near it was another.

Juvenile trackway, near tree structure, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
If you deviate to the left (north) you go over a well traveled log, which then has another odd trackway. Deep pits that fall into the underbrush and moss, due to a ground level ceiling of cover that gives way to the world underneath the ground level fallen branches, long since covered in moss and clover. This led to the dominant track, that we did cast.

Juvenile trackway, near tree structure, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
To the immediate west of this cast-able part of the trackway, about 15 feet away, is tree structure #1, basically a big tree that has large limbs broken and bent to the ground that point towards the house, which creates cover.

Tree structure, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
The above photo, is looking up the hill (east), back towards the tracks that were just mentioned.
Behind and to the northwest by about ten feet of tree structure #1 is structure #2, the bed-down structure, as seen earlier.
We took several 40 second videos, that are still too long to upload to this site. We will return and get shorter clips, like this one…
Examination of Bed-down structure

Tree structure, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
This is the photo of tree structure #2, creating the hidden bed-down area.
Two weeks later Eliot Ness and Shakoda Hill return for an even bigger find. The one minute video was too long, so pending until we return for shorter clips. Also, we will explore the You Tube option, because this is the most amazing structure, as you will see soon.
We re-visited the initial trail-way, structure #1, and structure #2. Shakoda had not seen the hidden bed-down area in the first visit.
Thursday, March 21, 2019 – Together, found track way, and structure #1.
Friday, March 22, 2019 – Eliot returns in the morning to cast the track, alone. Hears a mysterious mimic dog woop. Finds structure #2.
Returned to collect the cast five hours later. Shared the moment with son, Kyler Ness. Wyman Smith of 911 Bigfoot Help, recommends not taking children.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019 – With more time, we went back up the track-way, to structure #1 and #2. Shakoda thought we should circle around the bed-down structure, and this was rewarding.

A deep stomped area, next to bed-down structure, tree structure, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
Stomped area by Bed-down structure
We went around the structure, east, then headed east up the mountain again. At this point we saw a lot of deer tracks, as we hiked upward. Occasional stomps in the ground, but inconclusive. Along the way we passed this odd tree snap.

Snapped tree, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC
We chose a path that led over some fallen trees, in which the bark had been warn. Bigfoot, or something had been crawling through there for awhile.

Fallen tree path way, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
This led us to a blind. We discounted it in conclusion, because it was facing uphill, and not offering cover towards down range; however, it was facing the game trails. Perhaps, a blind to hide from incoming deer?

Blind, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
Next, was the biggest oddity of a structure in our young evidence searching careers; a broken tree, placed into the ground, holding up another tree as it had a knob (tree knot) holding up the fallen horizontal tree, perfect for the fallen tree to rest on, as the vertical broken tree continues upward and is intertwined with an adjoining tree. The horizontal tree was pointing toward the homestead, if that means anything.

Broken tree put into ground to hold horizontal tree, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.

Broken tree put into ground to hold horizontal tree, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
The one minute video was too long, for this site, so we put it in You Tube:
Bigfoot Eruption Channel – Corvallis – Cross Tree Structure
Will be worth returning to the scene soon to get more footage.
When we saw the wood knot that was holding up that horizontal tree, which must have been hundreds of pounds, we knew this was too amazing!
Uphill looking down at it, the trees entangled, formed an “X.”
In the video Shakoda mentions this, while Eliot is looking at the “cross” part of the structure. Future video will make this more clear.
A water break to ponder things, so much so, that this stripped tree could have bitten us if it could, as we stood there not seeing it in plain site.

Stripped tree, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
We found a super highway of game trails as we approached the upper part of the hill. Wide trails with no blockage. What does that? We will discuss with the owners; perhaps by them.

Large game trails, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
The trail went south as it was parallel in its elevation, then merged east upward in three points, the middle trail was like a Bigfoot super-highway. Not seen here.
At his point Eliot’s Apple camera was wet, but the power died, so it was easy to not risk damaging it. Shakoda used his Samsung camera from that point, and he got some great photos.
We continued southwest however, cutting at an angle back towards the homestead area, and found some stomped ground once again, with adjoining stomps five feet apart.

Foot stomp with trail bar, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Shakoda Hill.
We went southwest to get to the back of the property and found a more obvious human-used trail that led up from the back of the home. We had come down quite a ways to get to it. We were astonished how we had just gone through the untouched rain forest part of the property, just to find a human trail.

Alley-way of bent over trees; Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Shakoda Hill.
We had been noticing a hallway – cave -effect for bowed trees. Many more than this photo shows. All in a row it seemed, at the same elevation.
We met up with an old logging road that faded into the forest and was overcome with growth to the south. We took it north and then cut into the darkness again, heading east and further upwards. It did not take long and we saw another oddity.

Haunting tree break, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Shakoda Hill.
As seen in the photo there is not much room to snap this tree, and yet it is snapped. Notice that it was snapped after the controlled burn, as the break is not scorched. This tree break is blocking what seemed to be the clearest path into the unknown. Then look at this:

Snapped tree break, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Shakoda Hill.
You can see the other tree break in the top right of this photo, and look at this other tree which was obviously snapped off with no irritation to the lower trunk or ground, and then dropped, also into the path. Again, their was no path at this point, but it was still blocking the best path of least resistance. Again, notice how the break was not scorched by the controlled burn, thus, post-burn.
Shakoda kept hearing a fawn call out, but we never saw it. Was this a Bigfoot mimic of a fawn?
We rounded back westward to the logging road, and took it north a bit, and admired the view. We turned to head back the way we came and saw this tree break.

Odd place for a random tree break, Corvallis/Adair Village; photo, property of Shakoda Hill.
The rest of the tree was nowhere to be found.
For the most part we found our way out, the way we entered, feeling fortunate that we did not make it onto a Missing Persons list.
We felt good about the amazing things we had seen, plus all the beauty. We wondered how we could help others, to scout and document findings on other properties.
Final note: a trail cam was up there somewhere. It has captured a large wild mountain cat on film before, says the owner.
Eliot had a 12 gauge shotgun, machete, and bear repellent spray. Shakoda carried the 9MM, water, and 50X binoculars.
Wyman Smith ( says that when you find amazing tree structures like we did, get very serious as Bigfoot Creatures may be near. They are markers for something, and often would require hands and great strength. The only thing in the forest that has hands and super powered strength?
Conclusion: we feel the owners are definitely safe. If this is Bigfoot related, this is a seasonal babysitting area to leave young ones, to hunt deer, and watch over the homesteads, like neighbors, but from a distance.
What is your conclusion?
November 2019
We were not able to get out sooner, to make it a quarterly visit. We took Pastor Matt Axtell, from Corvallis, Oregon.
Of course the growth had grown up a lot. Back in March foliage was less, due to the effects of the recent winter.
Pastor Matt was impressed by the Shelter, the berm, and the cross structure-tree.
The shelter was even more hidden this time, but still resemble a spot where something had taken cover. Grass nor plants, still had not covered over the actual resting spot. No bones, tracks, or hair. Hard to see the clear area within, in this photo, see above photo from March-April.

The Shelter; photo, property of Matt Axtell.
This possible Berm (something to hide behind) was once again, very compelling.

The Berm; photo, property of Matt Axtell.
You Tube – Return to Cross-Tree Structure November 2019
You Tube – View from above Cross-Structure

Part of the mystery is solved; photo, property of Matt Axtell.
Look up this tree and you will see that the top of this tree is missing. You will also see that it is an exact fit for the Cross-Tree structure120 feet below, and then 45 feet downhill from this leaving tree. was this tree topper hit by lightning, and then fell to the ground, perfectly spearing itself into an upright position while simultaneously meshing with other branches and then holding up another fallen tree? Easier to believe that this was constructed!

Possible foot track print; photo, property of Matt Axtell.
We stopped to examine this possible track. If from a Bigfoot, then a Juvenile. This hillside is a perfect spot to leave Juveniles as the adults scout or forage. No major evidence of this being the case, recently. Much growth and fallen leaves covering everything.

Amazing nest; photo, property of Matt Axtell.
At the location of the mysterious fallen trees that block the path, we found this huge nest. An amazing site! The fallen trees were examined, and seemed that rot may be the reason that they fell. Still used to block a Bigfoot path? Not sure.

Deep in the forest; photo, property of Matt Axtell.
Less convinced of actual Bigfoot activity, it was time to go. You have to check the evidence even if it leads to whatever. It still helps the learning process, and a marvelous time in the great Creation.

Coming, and going; photo, property of Matt Axtell.