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Blog: Arboretum Bigfoot Vocals
To read in order, go to the bottom of the page:
January 2023
While hiking with her boxer, our contact found two stripped trees, side by side. All the bark was gone, and not even left on the ground; however, the branches still had bark on them.
Research by the local University? Ritualistic practices? Bark thievery? Bigfoot behavior?
October 2022
Hiking with pet dog (Boxer) on Oregon State Forest trails, and hearing “humph” breathing sounds heard off trail, repeatedly. Occasional sound of large foot breaking branches, every few steps. Dog was scared.

Boxer hears Bigfoot sounds while on forest hiking trail; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord/My Journey.
September 2022
Banging on side of house in early morning. Possible rock thrown against house.
September 2022
Heard non-human sounds outside home. Pet Dog (Boxer) forces way out of house to investigate. Same dog yelps and can’t get back in the house fast enough.
March 27, 2022
Bigfoot Eruption plans on hiking this area more as rehab from COVID/Double Pneumonia:
Message from 911 Bigfoot Help –
“Over by Callies might be a good place to go do some mild hiking. If you hope to have another BF encounter, evening may be a good time to go. Be sure to take some BEAR SPRAY. I am due for a new canister of Bear Spray, myself. And yes, be sure to take the GoPro.”
February 3, 2021
We saw this witness today and learned a lot. The possible footprints that you see pictures of, below, well she saw another one, this time with toes. It was on the opposite side of the Arboretum Park this time. Same size, but the district toes on the track was a first in this particular Arboretum scenario of the witness’ experiences.
Also, the witness listened to the Sierra Sounds, and heard the vocals that these witnessed. She said she will pinpoint where on that track, and let us know.
We will also listen to the Sierra Sounds, and try to pinpoint it. Based on her detailed description, see below, we are thinking we can find it.
Bigfoot Eruption – Ron Morehead (Sierra Sounds)
Listen for this as you listen to these Sierra Sounds…
“mix between a coyote yipping with a gurgle, a turkey gobble, then a gutteral kind of groaning – all mixed together all of it sounded distressing and urgent”
You Tube – A Sampling of the Sierra Sounds by Ronmorehead & Al Berry in (HD)
You Tube – Sasquatch Sierra Sounds Part Two by Ron Morehead & Al Berry in (HD)
Somewhere in these two recordings, is the exact sounding vocals that our Arboretum witness encountered.
Blog: Arboretum Bigfoot Vocals
Someone approached a Bigfoot Eruption representative and said, “You wear Bigfoot shirts a lot!” This fact compelled them to share the Bigfoot Encounter.
The basics: walking home on Arboretum Road, two witnesses encountered a threatening vocalization, up above them in the mountainous forest, that matched no known animal, nor human.
This audio is only our first attempt at the recreation. The witness has said, that replicating the urgency in the vocalization may be impossible.
Perspective from vantage point of the two witnesses that day…

Perspective by the witness; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Newest updates at the top.
If you want to read in order, scroll down to October 26:
November 8, 2020
Bigfoot Eruption met up with the witness and did not take the trail in which the vocals would have come from, but instead went higher up to a longer trail to look at some odd tracks.

Strange Track-way, Oregon State Forest; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The witness showed us seven of these, drainage by trail management? Some of them ten paces apart, and some twenty paces apart. Each were on the downhill edge of the trail, every time.
It’s as if a Bigfoot Creature ran and slid to create this divot/track. Each one seemed to have debris, like a blast of the pushing away of the soil. This picture shows what we mean:

Strange Track-way, Oregon State Forest; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Soil has been pushed back behind the heal area, even weighing down the brush with soil, like the Creature stood there and flicked the soil back with its foot. But, seven times in seven different locations?
Like how a shovel scoops and throws the dirt, except only one of these tracks had any sort of tool “edge” to it.
Each of the seven had a heal, and toes. The basic shape anyway.

Strange Track-way, Oregon State Forest; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Note: Our witness shared that the Oregon State University Forest does not allow the casting of tracks.
Our favorite perhaps was one that was the shape of two feet, as if standing at attention:

Strange Track-way, Oregon State Forest; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Pending: Blog with all track photos, so you can help share as to what these may be.
Earlier in the hike, the most mysterious of the non-track-way oddities, can you see it:

Mystery bark hanging in Oak Tree; photo, property of C.S.
Now a closer look:

Mystery bark hanging in Oak Tree; photo, property of C.S.
The witness was certain that the bark strips hanging in this oak tree, were not oak, and no pine tree close enough to drop these strips in this way.
November 3, 2020
“One more thing about the description of the vocal sound…it was not drawn out and long like most recordings I have listened to like the howling or screaming. It was clipped and quick kind of like a sentence being interrupted and restarted in a loud environment, but without pause. Geez, even trying to describe it, it sounds crazy.”
The witness feels this sounds crazy, which is a consistent feeling for witnesses of Bigfoot encounters. Hard to explain the unthinkable.
November 2, 2020
Much communication from the witness today.
The witness has given approval of this page, and also shared that…
“Again, it would be the mix between a coyote yipping with a gurgle, a turkey gobble, then a gutteral kind of groaning – all mixed together all of it sounded distressing and urgent…like something was being strangled or maimed or attacked (dying) it was very eerie and again it gave you a feeling of panic – both of us had the reaction “just keep moving” almost like that was what we were being told.”
“There is a trail further back that I hiked up with another person and there are inexplicable disturbances all along the trail in the dirt. Almost like someone was walking along and scuffing their foot off the trail randomly. The dirt is upturned and dug in (think losing footing and stopping quick in the dirt). I can hike you up to the spot (also in the arboretum area) it would take about an hour depending on which way we go.”
This description of the vocalization has been sent to Jered Caywood, musician, who has a talent for creating sounds like the one described above. Pending…
Now as far as the new mystery trail. The witness is preparing to take us, and is planning out the right day. This upcoming Saturday, may be the chosen day.
October 29, 2020
Went to the trail, but took the option to use the northward entrance; the fork in the trail.

Woodland Trail, October 29, 2020, photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
You will see the consistency of a packed trail. Meaning again, how a Creature could maneuver that night, without breaking through the trees, brush, and forest litter, since the witness has said that it made no noises resembling movement.

Trail composed of compacted gravel, dirt, and roots, October 29, 2020, photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
We found some possible track-way evidence, just a few inches off the trail. What made this disturbance, and why? A Creature leaving a marker?

October 29, 2020, photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
With XL disposable glove, and size 10 and a half shoe.
Actually another possible track nearby. Notice the marking to the left of the more obvious one.

October 29, 2020, photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
From these possible tracks was a trail-way that led back into the wilderness

October 29, 2020, photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
.We walked for awhile but turned around as we were limited on time. See the Bigfoot in this fallen tree, not a real Bigfoot, but interesting. Do you feel like you are being watched?

October 29, 2020, photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
On our way back, as we got closer to the trail-head entrance, we noticed a larger disturbance which seemingly made no sense. When we first passed it, on our way in, we did not see it. Surely, it was there, we just missed it? Why would a human randomly dig up this one spot? Why would an animal do this, especially in such a random manor? In fact it would be hard for most animals to dig up this rocky soil? Is it a Bigfoot track? Was this from the author of those scary vocals?

October 29, 2020, photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
What we know is, our witness and her husband, heard the non-human, and non-natural sounding vocals. A very threatening event.
October 28, 2020
Went to the trail that runs parallel to the road where our witnesses heard the beastly sounds.

Woodland Trail, Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Oregon; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The trail map shows the proximity to the road they were walking on, Arboretum Road.

Woodland Trail, Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Oregon; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
In fact, the trail shows that the Creature could have been close or farther up the mountain on this trail, and still be right above the victims of this harassment. She said it sounded like it was right above them, but so loud, hard to tell how far up it was.
The trail was hard packed dirt, which would be the reason, or a potential reason, why the witnesses heard no physical movement of a Creature. Something this big would sound like an elephant crashing through the woods, unless it had a hard surface with no obstruction, like this trail. See below:

Woodland Trail, Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Oregon; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
It may be nothing, but this area of so many tree leans caught our attention, and notice how you can see down to Arboretum Road where our witnesses were.

Woodland Trail, Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Oregon; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
How about this braided trail, a trail that was not intended by trail authorities, and it also goes down to Arboretum Road. Created by deer, human, or Creature, we don’t know. We admit, the photo does not show it as well as it looked in-person.

Woodland Trail, Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Oregon; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
So are you thinking that it could have been a human, since a trail allows human access? No, because a human can’t make the sounds that our witnesses encountered.
Next possible step? Re-create the scary vocalizations with the witnesses and then find an expert.
Another step, have our witnesses record audio on their future walks.
Also, we need to schedule with Shakoda Hill to walk the whole trail, our local Bigfoot explorer. Safety in numbers, and having the extra brain-power is an set.
This picture shows how far we got.

Woodland Trail, Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Oregon; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The witness has been wondering this whole time about what made those sounds. She can’t stop thinking about it, so she contacted Wyman Smith of 911 Bigfoot Help. She shared her encounter, and they discussed strategies.

Woodland Trail, Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Oregon; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
October 27, 2020
Here begins the story of this account…
“mix between a coyote yipping with a gurgle, a turkey gobble, then a gutteral kind of groaning – all mixed together all of it sounded distressing and urgent”
Bigfoot Eruption drove by the Oregon State University Forest Peavy Arboretum, and then called our contact who lives close to there. She directed us to her location and shared her story. We then drove with her to where it all happened, just up the road. She also also revealed a parking area with a hiking trail that would go to the vicinity of the strange activity.

Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Adair Village, Oregon; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Here is that story:
One month ago she and her husband were walking north and were almost home. To the west of them they heard deep-guttural vocalizations. Too deep and odd to be a turkey. They know turkey’s, as a flock lives right in front of their home.
It wasn’t a large cat because it was too guttural and odd.
It was a high pitch chatter, that ended with a very low-loud gruff ending. Too deep and gutteral to be human. It was so loud, they could not even tell how far away it was, but it felt close. It was above them, up the mountain.
At that point they got home fast.
They can’t stop thinking about it. We hope to help them get an answer. They just want to know.
As the crow flies, this location is relatively close to our first research location, what we call “The Property.”
From what we have learned from 911 Bigfoot Help, here all the options:
The calling out was to intimidate them. They got the message.
We could say that the the Creature was just contacting another Bigfoot, but they can do that without scaring humans to death, and usually would want to go unnoticed.
Next: we will walk the one mile trail, looking for clues, with our bear spray!
Next: Shakoda Hill, Bigfoot Eruption Field Investigator, has been spending a lot of time on the other side of this Forest/Mountain watching the Elk population. We will ask/recommend that he hang out on this trail. He has taken to picking a location, and then instituting a strategy of waiting/observing. Sounds like he is the right person for the job.

Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, Adair Village, Oregon; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.