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Blog: Arboretum Bigfoot Vocals
(Just Messing Around)
Bigfoot Creature trying to mimic a rooster, but confused, so then coyote, and then ended in frustration with guttural Bigfoot anguish. Why? In this case the Creature was just messing around, which suggests a Juvenile. (Bigfoot Eruption).
This is risky to expose yourself like this, from the Creatures perspective.
(Angrily Relocating)
To the east of this forested area is a tall hillside that has been cleared, probably for housing developments. Perhaps the Creature was moving about for this reason. (Witness)
(Warning the Humans)
The Creature was warning the witness of danger. It worked, since the two witness rushed home after hearing the vocals. (Bigfoot Eruption).
Perhaps, the Creature knew they were walking on a busy frontage road, and feared for them?
(Dangerous Intentions)
The Creature meant harm to the witnesses, but they escaped. The problem with this is that it could have had them if it had wanted. Most would not dispute that. They were on a paved road, near a country highway.

Vocals; Image by 272447 from Pixabay.
Vocals; Image by 272447 from Pixabay.