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(541) 592-3400

19000 Caves Hwy, Cave Junction, OR 97523

20000 Caves Hwy, Cave Junction, OR 97523

When you arrive you will use the parking area, and then walk the rest of the way on a road for foot traffic only, as seen above. Don’t worry it is not too far.

The Oregon Caves offers a unique Bigfoot shopping experience at the Chateau at the Oregon Caves gift shop. They have merchandise we had never seen before, like certain stuffed plush creatures of all sizes, metal stand-up silhouettes, and more.

Be sure to check out there website (shown above). It is very complete.

“Contact Us” to share pictures and memories of your shopping experience at this location.

Oregon Caves; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Walking from the parking to the main area, part of the amazing experience.

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