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We noticed that there is a “no trespassing” sign with this Bigfoot. Makes sense, the owners know this Creature will draw attention , and yet an encounter can be dangerous; thus, no trespassing. We are sure that these homesteaders expect the curious, to want to take a look at their Bigfoot, from a distance. Let’s see how close we can get…

Blue Rive Bigfoot; photo. property of Andi Whitworth.
A Bigfoot with a fish. Beware, the Creature will be annoyed at your presence and want to protect what it feels is its property, the fish.

Blue Rive Bigfoot; photo. property of Andi Whitworth.
This second look got us closer, even still. Rare to get multiple angles of proof during a sighting. Our thanks to Andi Whitworth for this being her second location shared from the Blue River area.
Also, see Blue Sky Market.
To be fair to the homeowner, we won’t give the address. In fact, we don’t have the address. Blue River is not too big, so just look to your left and your right, and then it is fair game if you see it.
Let us know how it goes.