Back to Statues (OR)…
We celebrate finding new Bigfoot statues. This one is on Highway 22 west of Lyon’s; thus, between Detroit and Salem. It is actually, in Mill City, to be precise.
You Tube: Bigfoot Eruption/Highway 22 Bigfoot

Bigfoot carved statue with bench, Highway 22; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
A rainy spring day in Oregon; the Creature can be seen easily from the highway as seen above with traffic coming from the east.

Bigfoot carved statue with bench, Highway 22; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
If any one knows of the artist, please let us know.

Visitors Information Center, Bigfoot carved statue with bench, Highway 22; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Seems to be a big deal in these parts. We missed Bigfoot’s visit. Oh man!

Visitors Information Center, Bigfoot carved statue with bench, Highway 22; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Seemed to be about ten feet tall in total.

A local shop host the Creature’s resting spot, Visitors Information Center, Bigfoot carved statue with bench, Highway 22; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
We started to see the connection as this Bigfoot themed shop, seemed to be connected to this mystery, and was only about thirty yards away from the Creature.
Bigfoot Eruption is registered with Google Maps.
Rex Image Productions
815 NW Santiam Blvd (Highway 22), Mill City, Oregon, 97360
Update: OK see the official Bigfoot Eruption page for Rex Images…
And the creator of this statue, Oregon 3D Arts & Chainsaw Structures…

Rex Images and Visitors Information Center, Bigfoot carved statue with bench, Highway 22; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Based on the pictures on Google Maps, the Creature is a mainstay at this location. At first we wondered if it would get sold, and thus be irrelevant for this page. So, we are happy. Rex told us in 2020, that this Big Guy is not for sale.

Rex Images and Visitors Information Center, Bigfoot carved statue with bench, Highway 22, Mill CIty, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Come and see for yourself!
A great place for a Bigfoot Eruption Selfie with a Bigfoot!
Send us your selfie!
Contact the Eruption, if you have seen this Creature, and/or used Rex Images. If you were at their Bigfoot event, to meet Bigfoot in March 2019, we are especially curious.
UPDATES from the Community:
June 2020
A contact of Heidi Fuchs, we will call this person, Bart’s Research, has shared this amazing photo from this statue location. A message for us all:

Covid Masked Bigfoot, Mill City, Oregon; property of Bart’s Research.
See the new section called Bart’s Research.
See the owner of this Statue at Rex Images, Mill City, Oregon.
Our thank’s to Cy’s Corner for this next photo.

Bigfoot at Rex Images, Oregon Highway 22; photo, property of Cy’s Corner.