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Enjoy some music as you see Bigfoot Eruption’s experience at this Columbia River Gorge, Bigfoot festival:
Click here to learn more about Jered Caywood’s music…
After being spectators at the Oregon Bigfoot Festival, in August 2018, it was great to have the Bigfoot Eruption team, as a vendor. A great environment where like-minded people were interested in buying shirts and taking our information.

Ciiff Barackaman (FInding Bigfoot) and Kristen Ness (Bigfoot Eruption LLC), Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest 2018, by Eliot Ness
Cliff Barackman from the Animal Planet’s hit show, Finding Bigfoot, was at the 2018 Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, for a speaking engagement and made the rounds to see all the vendors. This was very personable of him. After talking to Cliff he feels like a good friend, and we believe everyone feels that way about Cliff.
It was a productive day for the Eruption. Now’ many more people know to come to this website to find out where all the Bigfoot stores are, before they go on a trip.

The beautiful Columbia River view from Bigfoot Bash, Washington, by Kristen Ness
Our thanks to everyone, vendors, and patrons, were all very nice. Passing out our business card, sharing what we were all about, often led to people sharing there own stories, and this made the six hours go by very fast. It was nice to be “one of you” on that day.
Here is a taste of what the 2018 experience was like, enjoy.

Every festival needs a garden, Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, by Kristen Ness

Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, by Kristen Ness

Chain saw masterpieces, Every festival needs a garden, Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, by Kristen Ness

Some familiar faces at the Bash, Sasquatch BBQ Sauce Company, by Eliot Ness

Grampa in the Dell, Shadow Box, by Eliot Ness

Creative carvings at the Bash, by Eliot Ness

Bigfoot Carvings at Bigfoot Bash 2018, by Eliot Ness

The Bigfoot Eruption tent, at Bigfoot Bash, Washington

Cliff Barackman, Bigfoot Bash, 2018
For Bigfoot Eruption, it is about where to find Bigfoot “stuff” and that is how we want to help people; however, it often comes back around to the “sightings.”
Wyman, came to our booth, and we shared about our company. The conversation, turned to the fact that he has nightly Bigfoot encounters (harassment) at his property which was in the local area. He pulled out his smart phone and he had an endless amount of vocalization recordings. I asked him to use the e-mail address on our business card to send me one. He did send it.
We will make a page for him soon, and are in discussions with him about a website that helps others know what to do when they find they are being harassed by angry bigfoots on their property.
For now enjoy this photo he sent of claw marks made by the Bigfoot that is stalking his property.

Bigfoot toe scratching marks in dirt; he witnesses this activity from his house; photo by Wyman.
We launched Wyman’s website in October 2018; check it out:
In 2021 Wyman expanded to his own domain: