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Wind Mountain Ranch, 192 Erickson Road, Stevenson, WA 98605
Also known as Home Valley, Washington…
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Featuring Wyman Smith of 911BigfootHelp…
Click this link to go to our online shop inventory, and you will see what was offered at the Bigfoot Bash Festival!
Partially Cloudy, with some blue sky, it was a very good day.

Looking to the east, WInd River Ranch, October 5, 2019, host of Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Let’s start with the most eastward Vendor, and we will circle around:

Bigfoot Chili Mix, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
This Vendor offered samples, and we saw many walking around with their packages of Bigfoot Chili Mix, so it was a hit! See the directions for the Chili in the Photo Gallery at the end of this page.
NEXT: BIGFOOT-SASQUATCH.COM, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
A lot more shirt vendors this year; good for the patrons. Many come and buy just one shirt, so we all hurt each other for sales, as Vendors, but ultimately this is good for the event, which is what we all want. This will also make us step up our game next year.
One of the most unique rides, if you go to their website, where you will find links to classic car history to the sale of bamboo long board skateboards (they share links that go to some of their other interest and pursuits) as well as their unique style of Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch) shirts and hoodies, which they have a large collection.

911 Bigfoot Help, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; image design by Wyman Smith and No-Dinx Design, image property of No-Dinx Design.
We met Wyman Smith last year at the Bigfoot Bash, and back then he shared audio of strange sounds at his property, and was willing to share with others what he had learned, after living with a group of Sasquatch crossing through his property, what seems to be daily!
We at Bigfoot Eruption kept in touch, sharing photos, audio, e-mails, texts, and overnight-visits. It was easy to Believe when you hear wood knocks for yourself.
Wyman’s desire to inform others, which also was like therapy for him, led to his own website. This means he is providing a Bigfoot themed service, and so we put him in our site too.
This year he was a Vendor and offered shirts, hats, territorial marker evidence, track castings, enlarged poster evidence photos, and a large binder of large photos showing Bigfoot evidence. Visit his site to really learn of his life off the grid:
Learn, what to look for, what to do, what not to do, plus a Timeline dating back to 2015 when Wyman learned that the odd signs were Bigfoot related.
The week of the Bigfoot Bash a Bigfoot Creature came to his front porch and hand slapped the screen door twice and then took off. Why do this? That’s what Juvenile Bigfoots do. Bigfoot activity so far that he knows, includes a Grey One, another with One Eye, a Female, and at least one Juvenile. Please go to his site for more.
Glow-in-the-Dark shirts to show your Eruption, paintings depicting 911 Bigfoot Help sightings, and our message that you can go to our website to find Bigfoot “Stuff.”

Bigfoot Eruption, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Spreading the word, that we have compiled on our website every Bigfoot themed location we could find, and keep finding. Stores, restaurants, museums, trails, parks, statues, people, festivals, and more, worldwide.
Help us spread the word, if you see any locations, please Contact Us. We will give you the credit for the find, in our site, and then this knowledge Erupting to all the World. No more, not knowing where these locations are hidden.
“Like Us,” on Facebook to get updates on new locations found, and also updates of activity at Wyman Smith’s homestead.
Start your journey at Bigfoot

What the Trek PNW, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
What the Trek PNW (Pacific Northwest) were at the Oregon Bigfoot Festival in August, and had hoodies, shirts, magnets, stickers, and on this October day their newest item, Sasquatch Soap.

What the Trek PNW, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of What the Trek PNW.
You can make a purchase at their website:

Mobile Photo Booth, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Great for events!

Bigfoot BBQ Sauce, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Buy some BBQ sauce as individual or gifts packs. This company is growing in the Pacific Northwest. Be watching for them at many of your favorite upcoming events. Backed by many of your favorite tribes, casinos, festivals, shops, and more.
Look for Bigfoot Eruption to Network with the Sasquatch BBQ Sauce Company.
Go to their website to learn about contact info, purchasing sauce, events, retail outlets, and fundraisers.
Outlets include, the North American Bigfoot Center, Washougal River Mercantile, and many more.

Kids Play Frontier, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption
Kids were given a chance at this station for fun with games and crafts. A popular stop for kids.

Garden Decor, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption
This station provided pumpkin painting and face painting, for the kids.
It was like Logtoberfest was welcoming all the fans of Bigfoot as this welcoming Garden area was near the entrance. This seems to be a Logtoberfest tradition.

Garden Decor, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption
Another Logtoberfest tradition, having a display of live log cutting and historic chainsaw cutting equipment. Some of which can be seen in the above photo.

Logtoberfest, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Garrett Aries Carvings, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption
We talked to Garrett and he was very nice. We will be exchanging more information soon. His dad is also big into the carving industry out of Bremerton, Washington.
Facebook – Garrett Aries Carvings
Continue to the bottom of this page to see many of our photos that we took of Garrett’s work.
Watch for this family of Carvers to have a future page in the Washington section of our site.

Bigfoot Lemonade, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption

Logtoberfest, October 5, 2019, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot
A community leader from Stevenson, Washington came by our location and we talked about the history of the festival. The name itself, represents two separate entities that have come together for mutual gain. Logtoberfest happens anyway, but having the Bigfoot Festival join in, create a unique environment, and more potential patrons. This also explains why they each have their own Facebook page.
This would explain why some, did not even want our business card. We at Bigfoot Eruption, would turn to each other, and say, “This is a Bigfoot Festival, why do some not want our Bigfoot themed business card?” Thanks to our informative friend, it makes sense now.
So, the Bigfoot Bash has been at other locations in the past, which explains some of the photos on our Bigfoot Bash main page.
Also explained, is how it use to be called Bigfoot and Bounty, the bounty aspect was the more Children focused kid games, and activities.
At the end of the day the brew masters from Logtoberfest came around, and it was good to talk to them.
2019 Bonus Photos:

Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington, October 5, 2019; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Bigfoot Chili Mix, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Bigfoot Chili Mix, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Bigfoot Bash, Home, Valley, Washington, October 5, 2019; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption., Valley, Washington, October 5, 2019; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Claw marks in ground; photo property of Wyman Smith/911 Bigfoot Help.

Casting of print; photo property of Wyman Smith/911 Bigfoot Help.

Sasquatch LAIR; painting by Bigfoot Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

September 2019 Sighting at Wyman Smith Homestead; painting by Bigfoot Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

September 2019 Sighting at Wyman Smith Homestead; painting by Bigfoot Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

What the Trek PNW, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

What the Trek PNW, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Sasquatch BBQ Sauce Company and Timber Unity, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Timber Unity and Kids Play Frontier, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Gator Creek Gardens, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Garrett Aries Carvings, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Garrett Aries Carvings, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Garrett Aries Carvings, Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington, October 5, 2019; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption

Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington, October 5, 2019; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption

Bigfoot Bash, Home Valley, Washington, October 5, 2019; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption
Our apologies for not talking more about Timber Unity, Dog Boarding, and the Timber cutting exhibit. Please feel free to share photos and information, for those or others that we missed.