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Logtoberfest | Washington State Events ( 2023
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See what we learned, below…
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Wind Mountain Ranch, 192 Erickson Road, Stevenson, WA 98605
Also known as Home Valley, Washington…

Logtoberfest Brand, property of Logtoberfest.
Logtoberfest, plus a Bigfoot Festival, equals:
Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest
Featuring Wyman Smith of 911BigfootHelp…
Come see his photographic proof, gifting, track casts, info, and stories…
Featuring Bigfoot Eruption…
Come and meet us, share your stories, and info on Bigfoot themed locations…
Click this link to go to our online shop inventory, and you will see what was offered at the
Bigfoot Bash Festival!
Now let’s see images from that day:
Things We Learned:
Regina Miller told us that “Margies” Outdoor Store in Benjin, Washington is just 16 miles east of this event and that we should go there. Definitely a Bigfoot store. We were also told this last year but were too tired to go the opposite way vs just driving home three hours westward.
A man told us that at age 14, near Castle Rock he and friends experiences vocals/scary sounds in the bush/woodlands. He described how all the dogs were terrified. He used the words “Terror in the woods.” Castle Rock is west and then north of this event.
Joyce shared with us that we sometimes see a surprised Bigfoot because if they are tired, sick or weak, they cannot maintain the vibration that keeps them hidden. She knows a “Sensitive” that can pick up on this reasoning from actual Bigfoot Creatures. This would explain a lot. The seer also said the Bigfoot are kind.
Duke Sullivan talks about this vibration in this podcast:
EP: 200 Sasquatch is Human? with Duke Sullivan – Blurry Creatures | Podcast on Spotify
A person told us that in Northern California, Redwoods, and Del Norte County, that there are a lot of Bigfoot sightings. Check.
This is the last Bigfoot Bash, as a member of the family shared the pending sale of the property. We are hoping the new owner continues the event, as we feel we are finally getting good at it.
We mentioned that we found Bigfoot themed locations in Australia to a woman and her husband, and he told us, “Did you know the Bigfoot in Australia is called the Skunk Ape?” We agreed with him.
Was told that people associated with Margie’s Outdoor Store would be interested in going to Wyman’s property aka Bigfoot activity…

Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, October 7, 2023; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, October 7, 2023; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, October 7, 2023; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, October 7, 2023; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, October 7, 2023; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Leaving Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest, October 7, 2023; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.