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Lava Canyon Trail

Washington Trails

Cougar, Washington 98616

Also listed as Stevenson, Washington.

4.4 – 5.9 miles (?) of moderate trail, with beauty and a waterfall.

Lava Canyon; photo, property of Kellen Ness.

Kellen Ness shares these photos, because he was on a school field trip with the Santiam Christian Junior High to the area of the Ape Caves, near Mount Saint Helens, Washington. Pretty cool field trip all the way from Oregon. He said that some schools are not allowed to cross this bridge due to the needed insurance. The kids called this the Indiana Jones Bridge. See another amazing photo of it on the trails website.

Lava Canyon; photo, property of Kellen Ness.

Stevenson, Washington is the area where Wyman Smith  – (911 Bigfoot Help) has found much of his Bigfoot evidence.

Also, this trailhead is near the Ape Cave Trailhead; thus, very Squatchy.


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