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Our Seattle point of contact often has helpful and humorous things to share about Bigfoot and other paranormal-supernatural things. We thought it was time to start sharing:
February 23, 2022
Gave information leading to the creation of a page for the Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch Museum…
February 1, 2022
Bad Yeti Joke:
What do you call a frozen Roman Soldier?
“Hooray, Italian Ice!”
June 30, 2021
“This is a site that was linked from I haven’t looked into it yet, but when I saw the sasquatch looking guy coming through a star gate, I thought you might be interested.”

Genesis 6 Giants; image property of Genesis Six, screenshot.
(not secure)
June 29, 2021
This is very minor compared to daily filming like in Australia.
Watch Bigfoot In Viral Tok Tok Video
June 28, 2021
“Some Bigfoot are evil and some are not evil? Basically like humans.”
June 24, 2021
“As you are aware, many people say that aliens are demons/demonic. My uncle, my dad’s older brother that was Mormon thought that. Unfortunately, he died about five years ago. My feeling is that there appears to be a large variety of alien entities, and some appear to be benevolent and others very malevolent, so it is possible that some are demons, but I don’t think that they are all. Some may be angels showing up in a form and via a means that whomever is witnessing them would accept them. Others whether benevolent or malevolent may actually be from another world or even this world underground or in another dimension that we can’t see.”
You have stated that you and he don’t think that they have evil intent, at least the creatures he (Bret in Australia) encounters. You have also stated that other similar creatures in other parts of the world may have bad intentions.”
“What are your feelings about whether these creatures there and in general are demonic? You have mentioned that they are not evil, but they have human characteristics. They may not be human, but may be very close. On Coast to Coast, people have either seen them coming out of portals or suggested that some of those creatures that we identify as bigfoot come through portals into this world. That begs the question from where? Another world; same world, but another dimension; Hell?”
Answer: Bigfoot Eruption:
It depends. Ha ha.
It depends on what Bigfoot is.
If it shares Human and/ Spirit DNA, then it is in the line of Cain mixed with Fallen Angels. Which is evil, mixed with evil, and the perfect meat suit to be possessed, making Bigfoot Creatures slaves to that royal elite line.
Some of them not being evil, could mean that they have not been possessed yet. No need to, if the possessed ones are keeping the other ones in line, in fear.
This is my theory. It seems to connect the dots for me.
One prophet says that Bigfoot-like Creatures are in Heaven only, and that God made them to fight the Spiritual battle, I suppose mostly in the end times.
This prophet, she also said, that based on her “head-knowledge” that all Bigfoot Sightings on earth are all Hoaxes. I think this opinionated, less educated tort, did not help her. Stick to what you know lady.
But if she is right about the Creatures in Heaven, but wrong about all Earthly Sightings being hoaxed, then the enemy, Satan, would need a plan to fight the heavenly “Creatures” which could be the Creation of the Bigfoot Creatures on Earth.
The “Bigfoot Only In Heaven” Theory
February 28, 2021
“This is an excerpt from an article I just saw. It says that 75% of the military personnel refused to take the COVID vaccine. Were you ever given a choice as to whether you wanted to take a vaccine? I always thought that the military mandated them.”

Seattle; Image by Paul Galasso from Pixabay
Seattle; Image by Paul Galasso from Pixabay.