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Original concept found at: Crystal Creek Reservoir and Bigfoot Statue
In 2019, Bigfoot Eruption was contacted by Mary, who was looking for someone to carve this statue:

Colorado Bigfoot Statue; image shared by Mary, Colorado.
See the small trail box to the left of the statue. Meaning, this statue is huge!
Here is a version by

Pikes Peak Bigfoot; Image by Mike Goad from Pixabay.
There is the same trail box. This is the same Creature, and same location!
Hey look, either someone added stain and made it shiny, or it looked new and now is not. Neat to see a difference over time. We are guessing it got old, and someone gave it a major face-lift.
January 2020, the idea was put on hold, but the ground work had started.
Urban Wildlife Chainsaw Art was the fastest and least expensive.

Pikes Peak Bigfoot; Image by Mike Goad from Pixabay.
Now compare the two…

Colorado Bigfoot Statue; image shared by Mary, Colorado.
And again…

Crystal Creek Reservoir, Pikes Peak, Colorado; image shared by Mary.

Pikes Peak Bigfoot; Image by Mike Goad from Pixabay.
Timeline 2020:
August 4, 2020: E-mail to Donald and courtesy copied Mary, the official request for the project.
August 4, 2020: Called Donald. He called back, and we rehashed the details.
August 4, 2020: E-mail to Mary with final questions.
August 4, 2020: E-mail to Donald with final details.
This is momentous because we would like to help get statues of Bigfoot, or animals, to others also.
The deal is, if she does not want it, then we get to keep it. Ultimately she does want one, but can’t find anyone to do it for less than $500.
Donald at Urban Wildlife Chainsaw Art will do the two foot statue for $225, with stain, and Mary is opting to not have it glossy. Her search for a craftsman in the past showed a six month wait for completion. Donald will have it done in three weeks!
We are asking to buy the practice model at a discount, for us to have at Bigfoot Eruption Headquarters. As you may know, a carver needs a practice-run when attempting a new style.
August 4, 2020: E-mailed Mary in Colorado that we were going to go for it.
August 20, 2020: Less than three weeks later we called Donald, for an update, and wow were we surprised. He had already finished the rough practice copy earlier i the week. The one we were going to buy at a discounted rate. He said it sold two days after he had made it. That is good news for him, and the happy customer. This means that if we have him make a statue, it can be sold, even if we or Mary change our minds.
September 3, 2020: Agreed with Donald that we would drive up (4 hours) to pick up the Colorado Bigfoot Sculpture. If it sells before we get there, then he will simply make another. Win-win!
New plan for Mary of Colorado. We will send pictures of the Creature. It will be like this Colorado Bigfoot seen in the above photos, but in Donald’s style. If she likes it then he will carve another, and we will already make the arrangements for him to ship it from Washington to Colorado.
If she would like it more like the above photos, then Donald will accommodate that.
Bigfoot Eruption will put this project in our online store. If you like it, you order it through us, and we will coordinate it with Donald.
September 19, 2020: KylerBigfoot7 and Bigfoot Eruption erupted up the highway to McKenna, Washington. Near Roy, Washington.

KylerBigoot7 and Bigfoot Eruption’s new mascot, Og; created by Donald at Urban Wildlife Chainsaw Creations, McKenna, Washington.
OK, so it does not look like the Colorado Bigfoot, and we are OK with that. We love it!
Remember, Donald did this in his style, and is willing to make it more like the original photo if that is what Mary in Colorado would want.
Also, notice that the hands, arms, over-all stature, feet, legs, and over-all stature, are correct. Thus, we are only talking about some minor adjustments.
We also learned that Urban Wildlife Chainsaw Art will ship to you.
We will provide this new Creature in our Bigfoot Eruption Shop.
Bigfoot Eruption Inspired Carving – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Or, contact Donald and he will help you.
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Bigfoot Eruption and Permission To Use.
Bigfoot Eruption and Copyright Law.