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You Tube:
Agogwe: Ape Man of East Africa
Agogwe | Does the Agogwe Exist? | You must be surprised | Cryptid Wiki
Agogwe, The Furry Little Men Of East Africa | Agogwe Explained | African Mythology And Folklore Ep.3
See the Agogwe in this next link…
Afrikanza – Monsters of Africa
We have no expertise to add to this page. Hopefully, you gained a lot from the above links. We suppose we could say that the Agogwe does not seem to be the stereotypical Bigfoot, but related, if we consider DNA manipulation spoken of in the Apocryphal books, Book of Enoch, and the Book of Giants. Sorry, we had to go there.
Bigfoot Creatures are different all over the world, so this is not surprising. We may start on a theory about DNA manipulation in Africa, but we may need some time.
The Agogwe has also been seen in South Africa, and the Congo.

Hand; Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay.