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This next Podcast came to us on our Apple Podcast App, so try your choice of App, and we here it is on the Apple Podcast site:
Apple Podcast – Bigfoot & Beyond, Episode 63: South African Mystery Hominoids
In this episode you will learn about…
Gareth Patterson
East Africa – Apogwe
Nisner Forest
Gareth had a Bigfoot sighting…
Rainboth vegetation, living on peripheral…
More sightings…
Tree Structures
Locals (indigenous) reaching out to Gareth with sighting reports…
Bushman see it as human-like…
Learning habitat/range needed per day for Otang…
Otang likes to be in the peripheral; the edge of being seen; thus, hidden. Below, see the peripheral which is good for always hiding. Good habitat for the Otang.

Elephants in the open, South Africa; Image by Anja?#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy? from Pixabay.
You Tube:
Gareth Patterson/Secret Elephants
VD S6 E2 Gareth Patterson & the Secret Elephants of the Knysna Forest
AirB&B – The Secret Elephants Forest Experience

Elephant Skin; Image by Anja?#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy? from Pixabay.
Gareth Patterson will be exploring the Otang and their habitat, for now, watch for updates from Gareth.
His current book is said to be a “must-have” in your collection for hominid studies.
Amazon – Beyond the Secret Elephants
GoodThingsGuy – Otang/Knysna Forset/Gareth Patterson
Bigfoot Eruption is registered with Google Maps.
Images by Anja?#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy? from Pixabay