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The Otang – Bigfoot in South Africa…

Imagine Otang, Bigfoot of South Africa; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Dischord Mid-Journey.

We have learned of some literature that shares about Bigfoot in South Africa.

Cliff Barackman mentions this amazing book, “Beyond the Secret Elephants” in the first few minutes of this Podcast:

Bigfoot & Beyond, Episode 42: The Ballad of Albert O

Amazon – Beyond the Secret Elephants

These articles talk about the same book, and the Otang:

goodthingsguy – Otang

Beyond the Secret Elephants


Here is another book about the Otang:

Amazon – Man-Otang: Bigfoot Myth or Reality


The Reading Listing – The Otang

The Otang is a South African Cryptid in the Knynsa Forest.

Wikipedia – The Knynsa Forest

Further proof Bigfoot Creatures have settled all over the world; think WHY and HOW…

This giant forest is right above the Knysna area.

Otang, Bigfoot in South Africa; photo/drawing, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

This next episode is not yet available on Podbeam or You Tube – Pending…

Bigfoot & Beyond, Episode 63: South African Mystery Hominoids

Garreth Patterson – South Africa


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