Back to Australia main page…
2021 Timeline (see below)
This page will give reports from our Point of Contact in Queensland. We like to call him, the Scott Carpenter of Australia.
For those in Australia or Worldwide, in need of help, advice, or just want to share something with Brett:
Also, you can ask questions for Brett at the Bigfoot Eruption Australia Blog:
Bigfoot Eruption Australia Blog
Most recent sharing is first, and scroll to bottom to see the beginning.
December 26, 2021 (Donnybrook)
That kind of looks like the Donnybrook one. Where the 14 second video also comes with it.
I think I circled a spot on a photo of where to look and also included the video…during the video, you hear a whistle and the creature ducks it’s head…
December 26, 2021 (Bigfoot Eruption Responds)
One of your pictures I did not see the Creature too clearly, I put it on your page. Then I go to the Hospital for a month. When I got back into the site a couple weeks after that, I was looking at your page, and I saw that picture. I could see the Creature. It was obvious to me. The value of looking at a pic, again, and then later, again. I attached it.
(here it is)

Creature up close; photo, property of Bret.
December 26, 2021 (Bigfoot Eruption Responds)
I can see one set of eyes, for starters. I know when I look at it again, I will see more.(here it is)December, 2021, potential Yowie walking, plus proposed faces in Woodline, cropped and filtered; photo, property of Bret.
December, 2021, potential Yowie walking, plus proposed faces in Woodline; photo, property of Bret.
December, 2021, comparison shot with no Creatures; photo, property of Bret.
December 23, 2021 (Hot and Cold)
Yeah, we are polar opposites (pardon the pun). Our coldest month every year is June. December/January are by far and away the hottest. Which means our Xmas days are usually BBQs in the backyard with a game of cricket. Not that I’ll bore you with an explanation of the rules: I’m a fan of cricket, it’s boring, no two ways about. It’s a game that can last for 5 days, usually about 7/8 hours per day. They aim to get 90 overs in a day, each over is made up of 6 balls, or bowls. Also, at the end of the 5 days, the game still has the potential to finish in a draw. It is truly brutal at times. I would imagine Baseball would be a pretty close comparison. We have shortened versions of the game which are only 50 over games which last about 8 hours and T20 which is 20 overs and goes for 3 hours.
December 21, 2021 (Irish Blessing)
I have Irish heritage, and instead of saying goodbye sometimes, we give the Irish blessing as a form of protection and a light to guide us through our darkest days, so to you and your family.
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be ever at your back
And may the sunshine warm upon your face
And may the rain fall soft upon your fields
Until we meet again
Until we meet again
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
December 21, 2021 (QLD Christmas)
A huge bloody Merry Xmas from QLD, Australia. It’s as hot as (expletive) at the moment, typical Queensland Xmas. However, we are doing our best to stay cool. You have a beautiful looking family, I wish them all the happiness and to you especially, healthiness in the world. Make sure you look after yourself Albert, you’re one of the good guys. The world needs people like you to set a moral compass as to how we are to treat each other. We got a landscaper photo with Santa recently. I remember thinking, all the changes that Covid has caused, young children sitting on a strange old guys lap was probably one that should of changed years ago.
I hope that made you laugh. Merry Xmas Albert, don’t go changing.
December 20, 2021
Also, don’t just look at the figure…look at the two groups of trees to the left of the screen….do they look different to you. Also, there are faces everywhere.
December 20, 2021
I went back two days later, only to find that it is literally a 75’ degree decline where it was standing….I would estimate whatever that was to be close to about 10 ft tall. I will be taking a comparison shot of me in the next couple of days…I’m pretty sure I’ll be about half its size.

December, 2021, comparison shot with no Creatures; photo, property of Bret.

December, 2021, potential Yowie walking, plus proposed faces in Woodline; photo, property of Bret.

December, 2021, potential Yowie walking, plus proposed faces in Woodline, cropped and filtered; photo, property of Bret.
October 7, 2021
Just look in the tree and you will see many; photo, property of Bret.The whistle, than the head duck (see video).
Screenshot of where to zoom in on the video and also a 14 second clip, so it’s easier to find. But watch the 2 min one because there are so many more in there. Also Donnybrook is what part of the world this is. Donnybrook is located between the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. About 10/15 minutes north of Caboolture in Queensland. It’s complete bushland just about.

Creature up close; photo, property of Bret.
October 2, 2021
Go to Brett’s Photo Library to see more of these photos…

Just follow the fence line and look at the gaps in the tree; photo, property of Bret.

Just follow the fence line and look at the gaps in the tree; photo, property of Bret.

Just follow the fence line and look at the gaps in the tree; photo, property of Bret.
September 11, 2021 (Story Planning)
A little while ago I had a realization about the word “normal” it doesn’t mean anything. It was a word that was made up by someone who was afraid of being different. The real goal is how we treat our fellow man, and occasionally we meet people who make us feel less alone. Now I’m a pretty “expletive” good judge of character, so I’m here to tell you, don’t waste your time on worrying about what normal is, you’re a good man. That’s all you have to be. You don’t have to be who anyone wants you to be, all you have to be is who you want to be. The truth of the matter and I’ve always been meaning to tell you this is, the majority of people when they see a tree, they see branches and leaves. They don’t think about what’s underneath. The tree doesn’t know why or why but it is connected to two worlds. Above and below. It exists evenly in two realities. I started this Bigfoot adventure because I wanted to prove there was still magic left in the world. I had lost my Brother and I was pretty down. I went out searching for Bigfoot, but they came and found me. Now I’ve never been much of a spiritual man, but I prayed to God there was something more, and they found me, they came to my backyard one night. They probably didn’t realize I had the ability to track them back to their home. Anyway, now every night I feel less alone. People are always going to think you’re crazy, as the saying goes “the first guy through the wall, always gets bloody” what’s important to remember, is that in the end, they don’t count. The people that think you are crazy, the people you see for 15 minutes a week, they don’t matter. It’s the ones that help the helpless, it’s our loved ones, it’s the ones who make us want to be better men, they are who matters. Talk soon Albert. Also, about the book, my brother was called Jason, I would be honoured if maybe that could be the character’s name….as much as I love the stories of Capone, I think you should steer clear any figure in history. If the point of the book is this is an ordinary guy, you need an ordinary name. Just a thought.
September 1, 2021 (Closer Look)

Something at the window; photo, property of Bret.

Something at the window; photo, property of Bret.

Something at the window; photo, property of Bret.
August 31, 2021 (Walk Away)
Just thought I would also let you know, he would have the tantrums, because I was sitting at the couch interacting with him just with knocks and stuff, but I got up and walked away and then turned my back on him, which he would hate. This little guy wants all the attention in the world. They are such an odd creature, each one has their own personality, but if you get something out of it, don’t be surprised if he looks annoyed, because he would of been so angry at me for leaving him.
August 31, 2021 (Window)
Check this pic out and see if you can work your magic on it; btw, I finally decided to go to my page on your site (it’s more of a I’m not interested in looking at my stuff because it’s a bit corny) but some of the work you were able to do with the photos was amazing. Now there’s a bright light, which I believe is a street light shining through my gap in the fence, but I know I had one at the door and in my opinion it was one of the little ones. It might be tough, but I’m “expletive” positive one is there. See if you can get an image or a face out of it because I can’t see much. When I say little one, I mean it’s head would of probably came up to the handle, I’ve had interactions with this little one before, and he is priceless. He is completely fearless and loves playing around with me.

Something at the window; photo, property of Bret.
A closer look, as requested…

Something at the window; photo, property of Bret.

Something at the window, upper window cropping; photo, property of Bret.

Something at the window, mid-window cropping, under the orb; photo, property of Bret.
August 31, 2021 (Contact)
Brett responds to Sarah from the Dean Harrison Yowie Research Team:
Hi Sarah,
I could go into detail but some shit you have to see for yourself to believe. Long story short, I tracked a group of about 12 of them probably over 6 months ago now. Anyway, I have about 5/6 visit me nightly and I have found multiple other locations where these creatures have habitat. There are very clear indicators of where they have been and yes, these creatures are trackable. Happy to show you them any night you like. Obviously, I have multiple encounters on video and a heap of photos. I also have their hair, which funnily enough has a plat in it. Happy to talk on Skype or some other means of video chatting but only at night. They are easier to see through a camera because of their eyes. I could tell you stories that would blow your mind, but anyone can tell stories. I can just show you the fucken things. Please don’t take the swearing personally, it’s how I roll. I’m a former cage fighter, that has spent a lot of time in the bush. I was taught to track at the age of 12. Text me anytime and we can talk.
August 24, 2021 (Who Knows)
To be honest who the hell knows, and why do we assume they even know. In my opinion it would be like an alien race, capturing me and asking me where did we come from. My answer would be, “well I have a few theories, BUT I HAVE NO (EXPLITIVE) IDEA”. The only thing I’m sure of is that everything is unsure. I know these things have the ability to move like lightning, hide in plain sight and snap trees with their bare hands. They could take us out in a heartbeat. I believe they are behind most of the 411s (The Missing) but it’s pretty rare, there aren’t people going missing every hour of every day, they can’t be that evil. I’ve seen their emotional intelligence first hand, it’s a thing. I think we need to worry less about the why and more about the how.
August 24, 2021 (Let’s Show Them)
In response to not getting a lot of USA Bigfoot Researcher’s to accept Bret’s Invitation for a Skype call…
“Well, let’s change his mind with a video. Skype and record it anytime Albert.”
August 24, 2021 (Not Crazy To Consider)
Bigfoot Eruption shared some ideas, weird Bigfoot Theories, or Hypotheses, that we think are making sense to us….
Not weird at all Albert, there is definitely a connection between them and (for sake of the conversation) let’s say the Lord. Now unfortunately I don’t think they are on the same team. Just to be clear, I believe there are Sasquatch/Yowie and other types of creatures out there. It’s those other types of creatures we need to worry about. I believe the Yowie or the Sasquatch is apart of these other beings but not on the evil side. They’re just survivors. But at the same time they are the Alpha males.
August 23, 2021 (Disinformation)
Absolutely the CIA works with Hollywood. They have guys in the movie-making-business that are answerable to the CIA. Think about the movie Argo. Now that was in the 70s. In 50 years do you think they have put more in or less. Considering the success of that particular mission. Name me a recent high budget movie that involved Bigfoot. They just don’t come out. Or the come out with titles like “The man who shot Hitler, then the Bigfoot”. So, the first line we all immediately know is not correct, so naturally our minds than associate the next line as a lie too. Pretty clever.
IMDb – The Man That Killed Hitler, and then the Bigfoot.
August 22, 2021 (Cop Testimony)
I spoke with a retired policeman the other day and openly spoke about these creatures. No government in the world will ever admit to their existence due to the reasonable doubt it will cause in every murder case that takes place outdoors. His exact words. He won’t do an interview or talk on anything recorded but he said, ”Yeah they’re (expletive) real, don’t go (expletive) camping!” He then told me the reason about the reasonable doubt clause. I had never thought about it like that before. Interesting, eh?
August 22, 2021
In Australia, no one believes in either (Bigfoot, Yowie, UFO); well, a small few. Activity-wise I feel it is about the same it’s just no one is looking.
Reply by Bigfoot Eruption…
“Few in Australia believe in either.”
This is amazing. Part of an agenda?
Perhaps just cultural…
But an amazing fact that may be a clue to the bigger picture…
I heard on a Podcast, Blurry Creatures, that the CIA works closely with Hollywood so that they can influence how they are perceived, and also influence what we are told about UFOs, Aliens, and probably more, like Bigfoot…
Episode 54: The Hidden Meaning with Matt Miller
Films with Hidden Meanings – E.T. – Close Encounters
All Episodes also at…
So, if we are being told something, maybe we should think the opposite…
No wonder the editors took out some of the best evidence when editing each episode of Finding Bigfoot. Cliff Barackman, James Bobo Faye, and I think also Matt Moneymaker, have all shared how frustrating this was.
August 21, 2021
Scott is one of my favourite guys in the field. Just his logical and emotional thinking shows his intelligence. If you want, please let me know that on any given night, I can show him at least 5 of them with their eye shine…and maybe send him these two pics. The first one is identical to the white faced one he got.

Possible Yowie, a “Scott Carpenter” sort of picture; photo, property of Bret.
The second one is just one of my favs.

Possible Yowie; photo, property of Bret.
August 12, 2021 (Favorite – Like Patty)
This has always been my favourite, only because of the resemblance to P&G’s Patty. I’ve highlighted the eyes nose and mouth .

Looks like the Patterson-Gimlin “Patty” – face looking into window; photo, property of Bret..
A closer look…

Looks like the Patterson-Gimlin “Patty” – face looking into window; photo, property of Bret.
You can see about 25 different things if you look at the picture too long, so I wouldn’t recommend it.

Looks like the Patterson-Gimlin “Patty” – face looking into window; photo, property of Bret.
A closer look…

Looks like the Patterson-Gimlin “Patty” – face looking into window; photo, property of Bret.
There was at least another five out there with him….but he was the bravest…he got the closest. After I took this photo we stared at each other for about 5 seconds….there was a confusing look on its face, I’ll never forget. Like it couldn’t understand why it wasn’t seeing fear. I remember smirking, and knowing that it saw in my eyes what it sees in his fellow creatures eyes. It saw killer. There’s been a couple of times but where they have got the better of me and fear has been my only emotion. However I like to think, that’s not an issue anymore to either of us. I know what they are capable of, they know what I am capable of…but hopefully they understand, that I’m here to protect them now.
August 9, 2021 (UFO)
Not really, yes we have had UFO sightings. Yes I believe there is no possible way we are alone in the universe. However there isn’t a great following in Australia. When people go out of their way to research it, they find almost unbelievable facts and amazing occurrences….for the majority of my life time our television is made up of 4 channels. Around the 1998/1999 mark, pay tv got introduced, even then people still didn’t really use it. Also if the 4 channels 3 of them were owned by 2 people. So if it’s not in their agenda, it’s not on our television. Yes the internet and YouTube have changed things, but their is still a stigma attached to UFOs that mean you are a conspiracy theorist if you believe…what I believe, is we went to the moon and they saw structures up there, hence when watching the post press conference of mans greatest achievement, those three guys look as if they are going to a funeral. I believe that our ancient ancestors had many encounters with them…..simply due to factual knowledge. To this day, Neptune or Pluto is still not able to be seen with the naked eye or any form of telescope. We discovered Neptune because of mathematics….yet in the period of time when the pyramids were constructed, our solar system is shown in many different races of people. Finally the main pyramid of Giza is built on true north, so this would mean at no stage did they consider the earth to be flat and understood 360’ and only someone from above could have given them this information.
August 6, 2021 (Les Stroud)
I have a challenge for you, I want to have a conversation with Les Stroud, or at least open a line a communication. I know he did a series on Bigfoot and the show ended with there still being a question as to whether it existed or not. He also had Scott Carpenter on his show during the season. I know Les has a genuine interest as to whether or not they exist….on video call with me at night I’m pretty sure I could change that. By the way, any financial gains along the way, between yourself and I will always be 50/50. I think it’s time. Any night of any week I can show him at least 6 Creatures. I know it’s challenging, but I think it’s time we changed the world. This is not for financial reasons, mind you it only happens if their is financial gain…,it’s for protection. Maybe we’re not meant to go bushwalking or camping, or especially and type of night activity in the bush. It’s dangerous. What got me thinking about this was a very famous murder that happened in Queensland. Her name was Alison Baden-Clay and she was allegedly killed by her husband Gerard. The issue is, they live in a town called Brookfield, massive yowie hotspot, no cause of death was ever given for Alison, no physical evidence that Gerard was involved in the murder at all, besides stupid behaviour from him after the murder. This was due to the fact he had a girlfriend on the side. I have a hard time believing, this guy who is absolutely hopeless, pulls off the perfect murder. He’s in Jail, he might be guilty, but he might not be. Essentially in theory, I have evidence that it could of been something else, only because I know these things are real, and I know Brookfield is a hotspot. What are your thoughts. I know this is out of the blue. Les Stroud is our guy. That’s who I want to get this out there. We need to make contact with him, all I need is 15 mins on a vid call and I could get him on a plane out here. I think it’s the right thing to do.
(Bigfoot Festivals)
Do you have Bigfoot or Yowie Festivals, or Conferences, in Australia?
I would say, Yowies are probably the biggest thing, but they are not big enough to have a conference. However, in saying that, we might have one and I just don’t know about it. The reason is quite simple, no one has ever got footage of an Australian Yowie. There have been a few strange pictures over the years, attached is a photo taken in 1936 by a group of loggers on their lunch break, it’s probably our most famous picture.

Most famous Yowie picture in Australia; photo, shared by Bret.
It’s hard to imagine that the two didn’t see the gigantic being next to them, however from my experience, it’s completely plausible. No one has footage and photos anywhere near the standard I have. So, it brings me to my next point. I’ll send you an email.
July 13, 2021 (Infrasound)
We shared with Bret that someone we know in the Bigfoot Community had stroke symptoms after possibly getting too close to infrasound. This is Bret’s response:
My god I am sorry to about that. I hope he is ok and makes a full recovery. Tell him not to take the infrasound as an attack, obviously this is my opinion and nothing I say is proven, however infrasound is communication and from my experience it doesn’t involve us, we might get in the way of it, however they use infrasound to communicate with each other and sometimes humans are affected because we are in its path. From memory, our ears are capable of picking up noises at 1000dc and infrasound is around the 300 mark. However, infrasound is less effective in areas where the climate is hot (no idea why) so I’m not that sure Australian Yowies use it as much and if they do it’s not at the level it would be in the states. However, and I can’t state this enough, it’s not a weapon, it’s communication and unfortunately, we can be a by standing victim of it. So, tell him not to take it personally, I refuse to believe it would be an attack. If they want to attack, they will use their brute force and not mind control. The very first time I ever got anything on tape was one night at about 2 AM, something was outside causing pluvers to make their distress sound. If you haven’t herd a pluvers sound, google it, it’s super loud and high pitched, so naturally it woke me up. Instead of just looking out my window, I immediately picked up my camera and filmed outside. I can’t explain why I did that because I have no memory of doing it, or the entire event itself. Now you could say I had just woken up, filmed and went back to sleep, but I got eyeshine, and when the creature saw me, it ducked down and the pluvers immediately stopped making the sound. I believe I suffered some type of memory loss, however it could still be nothing but me being tired and falling back asleep. If I haven’t sent you the video let me know and I’ll send it through. Let’s schedule our next chat this week Albert too btw, as long as that fits in with your schedule. Hope you and your family are well.
You Tube – Plovers Sound Like This
(Black Mountain)
I must admit, I didn’t know too much about the strangeness of the black mountains until I looked into it after we spoke the other day. The amount of people that have gone missing in their, is really quite high. Considering there is no logical explanation as to how something like that structure could form it is interesting. Well scientists have an explanation, but it doesn’t hold up to questioning. They need to ignore to laws of theory for it to be possible. How can small rocks in the millions have the ability to structurally support caves that are supposedly in there. Anyway I went through and found a few videos on missing people at the location. The most worrying fact is that they have actually found some of the missing people, however not one cause of death has ever been identified. It’s like their hearts just stopped. I’m talking, police and military persons also, trained professionals that have just been swallowed by the structure. What the common theme is, someone goes missing there and the people that go searching for them also go missing. I knew people don’t go there, but I had no idea that was the reason why. I think it’s actually off limits now and you’re actually not allowed to go onto the structure itself. Let me know if you need a few links to some YouTube vids I found. Also, there was a video on NVTV (I think it’s called) on YouTube about a boy in America that went missing and the supposed offender was a dogman. I couldn’t work out how legit it was. Have u heard about this at all? Him and his two brothers were out exploring and one of them finds tracks and follow them, the other two boys go home and later they find the boy’s body.
July 9, 2021 (Black Mountain)
Has our Queensland point of contact been to Black Mountain in northern Queensland, and what are his thoughts on it?
“It’s absolutely miles away, and home to our only known tiger (allegedly). It is 100% home for the death adder (snake) which is in the top 5 most poisonous in the world. It is not a common tourist attraction for this reason. Why, have there been Bigfoot stories?”
See our new page on it…
June 29, 2021 (Daylight in Plain Site, again)
The figure I’m referring to is the black figure standing right in front of their daytime hideout.

June 29, 2021, Daylight in Plain Site, again; photo, property of Bret.
June 27, 2021 (Monkeys at the Window)
My daughter at 4 am last night said she was scared of the monkeys outside my window, so I was quite happy to film as much as I possibly could knowing that In the past they don’t come around when she is here, so I was going to mess with them too, but once again they won. Yes, it was so close, but I was never worried because it was one of mine, but I guarantee you, you will struggle to make out its face. God, it pissed me off by the end. I was doing all this while trying to. Keep my three-year-old on the other side of the curtain because I didn’t want her to see. This time but she picked up they were there before I did.
You Tube – Monkey? Yowie? Glowing Objects?
June 25, 2021 (Potential Peeping)
I can’t make out too much of this little one, only it’s eyeball. At 1:58 but it blinks. I have included screen shots which was incredibly hard to do, because we are talking about a split second.
Once again it’s as clear as day in my mind, but it’s possible that it’s some type of reptile, but I highly doubt it. I’ve also got some images on my glass door that are about 6 and a half foot off the ground. I’ll send them through later today.
They are fascinating.

Potential Yowie Peeping; photo, property of Bret.
You Tube – Potential Creature Blinking
June 23, 2021 (Closer Look)
I was filming without them knowing because I had one I didn’t recognize hanging over my fence looking at me; however, I’ll send you a screen shot of the one I accidentally got a really good shot of because he accident puts himself in the moon light, meaning no eyeshine but facial features instead.
Here is that still image…

A Closer Look, potential teeth, eyes, and face; image, property of Bret.
You Tube – Catching Creatures Unaware
At Bigfoot Eruption LLC, we cropped this and used an Icarus filter…

Cropped with Icarus Filter; image, property of Brett.
June 20, 2021 (Faces Looking In?)
Brett shares a video showing potential Yowie faces looking inside. This still frame from the 1:35 mark is the best picture taken out of the video.

Faces Looking In; still frame from video, property of Brett.
You Tube – Potential Yowie Faces In Doorway
June 19, 2021 (Tapping the Window)
Did you see the two at the glass door last night? They were there for about 45 minutes. Just standing there as I played my Xbox, every now and then giving a tap on the glass to let me know they are still there. So, I did the old Scott Carpenter (SC) trick and I think I got them on the first shot, but they had clued on to what I was doing and were gone by the second time I tried to line it up, God they are bastards. Two nights ago, I saw two without my camera at night, which was a huge step. They are so hard to make out at night without a camera, these ones however knew I had seen them and were happy to stand there. Btw they were slightly crouching, but their entire head was visible above my fence line, that’s big. They were still using the tree as cover but were very relaxed, which is so good.
Note from Bigfoot Eruption: that fence is six feet tall; maybe a bit taller than that.
June 18, 2021 (Yowie Caught in Broad Daylight)
You Tube – Yowie Caught In Broad Daylight (Dark Figure By Tree) Video 1
Still frame taken from video…

Daytime Yowie; photo, property of Brett.
Another still frame taken from video, shows the figure had moved…

Daytime Yowie; photo, property of Brett.
Then we attempted this cropped version…

Daytime Yowie; photo, property of Brett.
You Tube – Yowie Caught In Broad Daylight (Dark Figure By Tree) Video
June 18, 2021 (Yowie Caught in the Daytime in Tree)
Brett called today and shared these pictures and video. He said he caught one in the daytime, and you can see the movement as it is busy in this tree.
You Tube: Bigfoot Eruption – Yowie in Tree
This next picture is a frame from the video of the same…

Daytime Yowie; photo, property of Brett.
June, 2021 (Two Yowie – Favorite Sitting Spot)
Two Yowie in the daytime…

Daytime Yowie; photo, property of Brett.
June 15, 2021 (The Fear)
As I said these things for whatever reason can cause trouble and fear is a natural feeling, so it is the concerned people that I would like to assist.
(Amazing Video)
I’ve got one hell of a video for you that I can’t even begin to explain. I set it up in front of the glass door while I was playing the Xbox, to see if I could get one to come up to the glass door. It’s over 20 minutes long so I’ll work out the best way of sending it to you. If you zoom-in on the glass door and just watch the images (it’s jaw dropping) I don’t think the images are coming from outside, it’s hard to explain but I feel they were showing me something.
May 24, 2021 (The Meaning of Knocks)
Think of it more like follow the leader and the tree knocks, are the coast is clear. Could also be in another form of communication, usually tree knocks, due to its echo. Also, this is only when they are migrating to a new place. The majority of the time they are in one spot for long lengths of time, where they hide during the day and have a lookout watching over a spot where they will spend the night roaming around, eating, playing and just generally sneaking a peak at humans. They will not venture outside of the area that has been watched all day. That’s why it’s frustrates the shit out of me, when I hear people say they can see IR or any type of camera equipment. Perhaps they could smell something synthetic, however 99 times out of 100, the person has been seen setting up the tree cam by the watcher, they probably don’t know what it is, they just know it’s something new so avoid it. When they migrate, one will be in front of a pack of between about 10/15, and keep at a distance of 1/2 kms. I believe their smell is intentional for this purpose. I have no idea why or when they leave and what they are trying to find, I just know they stick to ley lines and it’s usually the biggest one that Walks alone.
May 22, 2021 (It Watched Me)
I hadn’t been at home for 5 nights, I had one come right up to my back glass door, we stared at each other for about 5 mins, than I heard the keys from the front door getting used, so I motioned to it, to go, when I looked back, it was gone. These creatures are not aggressive, unless they feel their young are threatened, or they feel we are intentionally damaging their land.
I want you to think about this Albert, we know Bigfoots or Sasquatch live in groups or clans, yet whenever one is caught on camera, it is alone? I want you to think about why this is. Then you’ll start understanding how they operate. When I’m tracking something, I’m following behaviors, not footsteps.
May 17, 2021 (Missed It)

Two Faces; image, property of Brett.
Bet you missed this little fella in the video in the blue circle, clear as day just standing there.

Two Faces with max Expose, max contrast, and cropped; image, property of Brett.
I completely see the irony of me spending so much time in the bush, but having more Bigfoot encounters in the city.

Highway showing Bushland; photo, property of Brett.
(Nigh Vision Footage)
I have attached the night vision footage, once again I didn’t see them. I was too busy looking into the distance when the are right in front of me, so look for large movement close up and you’ll make them out.
May 16, 2021 (Remembering One of the Best Images)
To me this is my favourite, it’s not the one I was referring to, however I see 2/3 clear figures after about 20 seconds or so start moving, shoulder and chest with heavy breathes. I have highlighted in a pic where to look in the vid. I also took a night vision camera the other night and you do have to really watch closely but once you see it, you can’t miss it

Still frame from Video, Creature looking at me; image property of Brett.
(Australia Driving)
I just wanted to give you an idea of what Australia is like. This is the Northern highway, heading up north to our closest decent beach. There is about 100kms of bushland just in that spot alone. That is pure bushland that goes inland about 50kms.

Highway to Brisbane, showing Bushland; photo, property of Brett.
(Creating Cover)
I’ve shot some video Albert, I think you really might like. Now I can assure you, after this, there is no question. I believe all up I have close to 8/9 on film and yes, in the daytime and yes on video. I like showing people who are interested in Bigfoot but I think we must be careful who sees it. Until I hear a better idea, the way it is, is in my opinion the best option. I’ve also included a picture that caused them to get in trouble by me the other night. That is the other side of the fence at my house, however my house is about 4/5 houses down. YES they are trees, not branches but trees. The previous night it had rained pretty heavy and they had created a little tent for the young ones I believe. That night, I asked them to take it down because it’s pretty bleeping hard to write off to teenagers or other animals. I’m unsure if they remove it or not. I’ll let you know when I get back from work.

Created cover by the fence; photo, property of Brett.
(Did Not Mind Camera)
He didn’t care one bit when I took his picture. He took a backward step when I pulled the curtain open and he saw my face, but never flinched when I took the picture.
(Doesn’t Hurt Us)
Yeah, these beings have had countless opportunities to hurt me and never have. They have had countless opportunities to hurt my cat and never have. I think I have to a be quiet, he’s back.
(Did Not Hear It)
Never heard a thing, very common, I don’t know if it is the iPhone, scientifically proven to have better hearing than a human, or are they talking on a different frequency, when need be. I’m more along the line, that iPhone is more powerful than our human ears.
May 15, 2021 (Keepdewit)
On that particular night, I have two windows and they were at both of them. You don’t want to look right at them, they will duck. I kept hearing, “Keepdewit,” or something like that. Crazy but hey. That was another big give away, it was like a warning, that I was coming back in because you hear the creaking of the door after it’s said.
Bigfoot Eruption: “She’s Awake?” No, once Brett told us “keepdewit” we believe him to be accurate on this.
(So Close)

Looking from the window (black & white); photo, property of Brett.
That’s taken from inside my window, that’s them on the outside. I put it in black and white so it was easier to see. I’ll also include the original colour one.

Looking from the window; photo, property of Brett.
Anyway that’s an indication of how close they come.
May 12, 2021 (It Talked)
Just bizarre that you sent me an email asking if they have ever mimicked me. Two nights ago I left my room for two minutes and intentionally left my phone in there recording. Just before I enter the room, something is spoken. Now I don’t know how to convince you that it wasn’t me other than, I knew what I was doing so I was mindful not to make a sound. They sound like human words, I was the only person in the house and I was aware of them outside my window. I cannot make-out what the words are, if you can by all means attempt to anyway you like. The words come just as I get back.
(Clues – Lies)
There is a story going around that involves the Mount St. Helens fire, which I believe to be true. I am trained in I.D.B. (Intentional Deceptive Behavior), The story that I heard, the person showed no signs of any deceptive patterns. There was a story where one person with a group of volunteers went around with a “Bigfoot,” cave to cave searching for any “Bigfoot” survivors or injured. The one man who was not a volunteer had the ability to speak the creatures native tongue. That story, I believe was truth. Someone in that same story, made the remark “in 20/30 years there will be no reason to keep them a secret anymore” in there lies a clue. Why would he say what would change in 20/30 years where they wouldn’t need to be held back? I’ve never been able to come up with a good answer, but if I was you Albert, I would spend as much time as possible asking why the government soldier would make that remark to the volunteers. What can we do these days that we couldn’t back than. Also when a former president writes about a story about a man named “Bauman” (that could be wrong) that story is true also (from my point of view).
Sasquatch Chronicles – The Bauman Encounter
See a great account of the Bauman Incident in the movie:
Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot (1976) – IMDB
May 11, 2021 (First Encounter)
Three years ago, was my first encounter of something strange, it was the middle of the night I heard two dogs barking, then a third dog barked back which sounded like a fake bark but was an extremely deep voice, it sounded like someone pretending to bark. I’m a factual person so I looked into the possibility of them existing, I found some interesting facts along with loads of crap.
(First Visual)
About three months ago I started see specs of light in an empty park at night but only through my camera, to the naked eye they are not there. I spent one week in that park looking for possible signs. Not only did I find signs, I left thinking 100% there is intelligent beings roaming this park while we sleep.
I found their food source and bark ripped from a tree which started at about 10ft (just quietly even as I write this email, they are letting me know they are here, yes it’s during the daytime which I believe is very risky and I will happily let them know of the risk, that in no uncertain words) I know it sounds crazy, but someone yelling at a Bigfoot to “Pull their bleeping heads in or someone will see you and someone might want to hurt you,” is what I will be saying. Who knows if they understand me, they are good at picking up your mood, or the point you are trying to get across, so they can hear a genuine concern for their well-being in my voice, like a dad, you know who’s not angry, he’s disappointed.
Anyway, I can track anything, and I don’t care what anyone says about these things being as good as they are at not being tracked, because they are trackable, if you know their behavior. So, I tracked them at day, because my theory was as they are sitting ducks during the day, and I was right. Once I did that, they tracked me back, right to my window.
(The Waiting)
At that stage they didn’t know what they were dealing with; they knew I could potentially cause harm, but I knew all I had to do was wait, and once enough time has gone by, and no harm has come to them, they know I’m not going to be a threat because nothing has happened.
(Show Capability)
It’s still very important to produce a butane torch or massive sword every now and then, to let them know what you are capable of, but never use it on them, than over time trust begins to develop. On two occasions they have let me see them at night. The images I caught on my camera during the day, I didn’t know I had until I reviewed it. As I said it’s almost like our eyes have been trained to not see them.
(Origin Theory)
(Brett’s Bigfoot Origin Theory)
My original photo I sent through, was a pic of a white-faced creature that had an unbelievable resemblance to the same white-faced creature that Scott Carpenter captured in a different country on a different continent.
Scott Carpenter – White Bigfoot
The only way creatures can be on different continents (Australia – North America) is if they are introduced to that environment. If you actually think about it, it starts to blow your mind a little bit so my recommendation is don’t. So, a new theory was born into the Bigfoot Eruption site. We call it: The “Don’t Ask” Theory…

Video Still of White Bigfoot Creature (Yowie); image property of Brett.
I feel asking them, where they came from would be like asking me where I came from and how the human race was formed.
What I do know is, they are caring, intelligent, they have a sense of humour and at the same time aggressive and have the ability to move almost faster than the human eye can comprehend.
They have done things that I believe break Newton’s laws of theory and I’ll never understand how they do it. They are just flesh and bone like us, but can stand in a spot and leave no trace. If these creatures roamed the world over 100,000 years ago which we know is fact thanks to the discovery of a jawbone in India I believe, why is it that is all we have ever found is “One Jaw” bone.
Science’s reason for their extinction is the laziest piece of crap I have heard. Apex Predators that are bipedal don’t go extinct due to lack of food. These things use food like we use alcohol, they are getting their source of nutrition or energy through another way, which I will never bleeping understand.
However, the Ley Lines, are where they stick to, it is the only path the follow. They will not veer ever from them. The Ley lines are energy, I believe they are also using these Ley lines as a source of energy, they are definitely using them for communication, but I think the Ley lines are far more important than we think. But just like an arsehole that’s my opinion, we’ve all got one, most of them stink.
May 10, 2021 (Naming Names)
No mate, I have not given any of them names. I think if people do say, that they are not being legit with themselves or yourself. Albert these things can stand right in front of me and I do not see them. That’s ridiculous. The camera can, but my eyes can’t. I can track them, to the location I know they are. Yes, I have seen the occasional odd face here and there, but I am miles away from naming them, we are still at the “Don’t kill me phase in our relationship. That’s going both ways too.”
May 8, 2021 (Asking)
Back to the video, I step inside close the door than hold up my camera and realize there are like five less than five meters away, so I open the door and go back out, but I hold my phone down whenever I am addressing them. I will never be talking to them while filming. I also always ask before I pull out my phone, if I ask and there is silence, I take that as a yes. About four weeks ago, I asked, and got a growl so I took that as a no.
(Music and Language)
I think in the video you hear me say, “Aaww I didn’t realize how much you liked my music.” I play them different types, but the best response I always get is from the slow beautiful songs of our world. As I said earlier this shows them that humans are capable of beautiful things, and last night I had just played them “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac. And one of the times, of one song, I think I count five sets of eyes peering at me. Who also came around again at about 12 a.m. outside my window just to check on me. Either they were looking at me, or wanted to know where I was. They communicate through language, and whistling. But they have a language, it’s not noises and sounds it’s a language with syllables and vowels.
(Night Vision)
They have night vision, so that’s why I say it’s like swimming with a shark in the water at night. They see better at night than they do during the day. It’s a feature of all native nocturnal animals in Australia. Cats eyes do it also. But I only use the camera to get a sense where they are. Because I cannot make anything out without the camera. It’s almost like our human eyes have been trained not to see them but the camera picks them up better day and night. Earlier tonight I was playing music outside for them, I step inside and have a look how many are peering over the fence.
Bigfoot Eruption/You Tube Channel – Video (Night Vision)
Bigfoot Eruption Media Library – Video (Night Vision)
May 7, 2021 (More – Ley Lines)
I know the ley lines are the key, because that’s how I track them. Get yourself a local ley line map. There is also a way to work out where the ley lines are by following a procedure. Just google it. Follow your ley lines. I 100% guarantee you, you will make contact. They never veer far from ley lines. Ley lines are also commonly found between four points of water sources. So, you can imagine how important that is to them. If there is one message to take away from anything I have told you over the last week or so, it is ley lines are the key.
May 6, 2021 (Group Dynamics)
I’m not too sure, they are certainly very different in looks, so they are not family. I must say I have no idea how they come to form their group.
I think you will like this video, I had to split it into two because the file was too big, I’m filming in my backyard and I’m filming a park. There is nothing in the park that could cause any light (besides the streetlight I film at one stage which you can clearly see is a streetlight. What’s important about this video is the main one I’m filming is holding at baby. You can see a little eye shine under the two large eye shine. She is showing incredible trust in me by not growling or attacking at all. Also, there is a point where I pan across and it’s safe to say they have me surrounded. I think there was a line of about five of them. Let me know what you think.
(Ley Lines)
Get him, Wyman, to check where the local ley lines are.
Note: Ley Lines are straight interconnecting lines, like a spider web. (Wikipedia)
Ley lines are the key, they are lines across the earth that hold energy. I believe they use the ley lines like we use mobile phones. I know that seems far stretched. But they are so important to them and I don’t know why, it’s the only thing I can come up with, they are using them for communication.
(Ley Lines & Giza)
If you don’t know about them, look into them “Ley Lines” more ley lines run through the three pyramids of Giza, more than any place in the world. Whales have been known to use them as communication, that’s what I believe these creatures are doing.
(Sitting Ducks)
The joke is Albert I could show you 15 of them right now, but only in the daytime. The daytime they are like sitting ducks. At night it’s like playing around with a shark in the water. I was taught to track from an early age, but tracking isn’t about following footsteps, it’s far more complicated than that. Theses beings are trackable, I know because I’ve done it to three different groups of them. I think I have sent you this video before, it’s of the three growls on the first day I made contact, I say yell out profanity, then turn around than there are three growls, I than turn back around. That second time of me turning back around, if you go frame by frame you will see some strange stuff even a very very close up of a face. Something went for me that day, something stopped it. I’m sure of it. Really take the time, it’s when the camera is being swung around and things get a little blurry. Something got close enough to me to hurt me and something got close enough to me to stop it. Get the sound as loud as you can for the three growls.
(Watching 24/7)
Whether he (Wyman Smith of 911 Bigfoot Help, Washington, U.S.A.) likes or not he is being watched 24 hours a day on his property, regardless of where he goes or what he does. They are watching him put up the camera. So the way to work around this is by car. He needs to set the camera up in his car, and set it up a long way from his home, then drive it back to his house leaving it in the same position it is always parked in. If that spot is no good, tell him to pick a spot that is good, and park his car there for at least two weeks with no camera, allow them to get used to it, then drive far away, set up the camera in his car and drive back home. I guarantee you it will work. The truth about these things is they can be right in front of you and you don’t even know it, however the camera picks them better than our eyes. They know where he is putting them because they are watching him put them up. One or two are high in the trees during the day and will see his entire area. Wherever they go at night is only to an area that has been watched first all day, this is how they avoid capture.
(Geographic Misconception)
That is a real big misconception of Australia, that much of our country is a desert. There is one large desert that goes across only two states of of Australia from the Northern Territory (which is where Ayres rock is located) to western Australia. What we do have but is a lot of bushland. We have something called the great diving range which if you have a look at Australia, you’ll find this unbelievable, but there is bush that runs from Victoria to North Queensland. So basically there is pure bushland down the entire east coast of Australia. I live in a highly populated area. However, there is still quite a lot of bushland around and in my hometown.
(Trail Cameras)
Yes, I can at anytime. I’ve had an idea how to do it, which will work for sure. However I just don’t know what good it will do. Convince me Albert and I’ll consider it. At this stage but I would think that only harm will come to them if I get them on tape. You are welcomed to change my mind. Or if you would like to see it and then use the video and mark it as an undisclosed location I might consider that also. These things trust me, I can’t betray that by putting them in jeopardy, if they were aggressive and attacking at all than it’s a different story. However, they’re just not.
May 4, 2021 (Seeing It)
On that particular night it was me telling them out the back to shut the bleep up or someone will hear, and someone might try and hurt them, so I don’t know if it was my words or my tone or whether they actually felt my concern. I’m still unsure whether they understand English or not.
(House Cat & Dominance)
Yes, I have a cat, who wonders around like he owns the place and they never touch him. However, it is important that they know you are dominant, and you have the ability to hurt them but choose not to.
(Fire & Weapons)
One thing they don’t like and don’t understand is fire. If your friend ever feels threatened, tell him to do the old lighter and can of deodorant trick either in his house when they are watching or outside. They are smart enough to know that fire is the one thing that they are powerless too. We have insane gun laws in Australia, so I don’t own a gun, yes, I have a couple of big hunting knives and a katana sword, but they fear fire more than guns.
Also, occasionally I like to trick them, I smoke cigarettes, so sometimes when I light my smoke and I know they are watching I’ll make it impossible from them to see the lighter, than all of a sudden, I’m sure they are thinking, “Can he generate fire on his own?” Haha.
(Mind Reading)
So, when it comes to mind reading and stuff like that, I know for a fact that is 100% not the case, they don’t have that ability. I believe their senses are heightened to a point humans will never reach, like a few nights ago my daughter had a coughing fit during the night and they had to check up on her; in their haste that’s when they left the footprint, but that’s all they are doing.
(Strategic Intelligence)
They are also intelligent enough to never make a noise when my daughter is around, which still blows my mind. They either don’t want to scare her, or are worried how I will react. Keep the questions coming through Albert, it’s nice to talk to someone who doesn’t think I’m a crazy person.
“Thanks Bret, this Q & A is great, and you are definitely not crazy. Glad we could help.” Albert/Bigfoot Eruption
One more thing, is music, they love music, but it’s important to choose the right style of music. I always choose slow songs with sweet harmony behind them, they can pick up the tone of the song and almost feel that it is about love. This teaches them that humans aren’t all about killing and destruction. It teaches them that we have beautiful things in our world too. That’s what this is all about Albert, they want information. They want to watch what we are doing and are almost infatuated with us. Tell your friend to plant some trees. Show them that he is helping this world, they see themselves as the “earth protectors” this goes along way to letting them know, not all humans are destructive. Remember that’s all they know, that’s all they have seen is us either killing animals of destroying trees in their forest. Planting trees and playing sweet music goes along way to showing them, we are not all about destruction.
May 4, 2021 (Habitat)
They live in a park with a passion fruit tree which also has a rainwater drain with exists on both sides. Rainwater drains and sewers are where you’ll typically find them in the daytime. They sit and sleep while others watch out. BTW they spend far more time in the trees than we thought.
(Like Humans)
They are like humans, when they know someone is aware of them and a length of time has gone by where no harm has come to them, they just want attention. They are happy just to sit and watch, so tell your friend in Washington, to maybe leave a small bit of his curtain open and I guarantee the rock throwing will stop.
(The Knowing)
It is hard to know of these Creatures, and to want to share about it with others. One has to be careful, but also wanting to be honest.
May 2, 2021 (Foot Print)
These were directly outside my window.

Giant Foot Print; photo, property of Brett.
“My daughter had a coughing fit during the night and they had to check up on her; in their haste that’s when they left the footprint, but that’s all they were doing.”
April 25, 2021 (Offer To Help Others)
I think there’s a fine line between survivalist and stoned cold killer. My partner believes that’s why they (Bigfoot – Yowie) find me fascinating, because when they look into my eyes for the first time in their lives they don’t see fear. I’m happy to be a go-between if you remain involved.
My concern would be these things can get aggressive and I can deal with that, so if there is anyone in Australia who is having difficulty, that I can help with. Then, they can contact me directly.
April 24, 2021 (Face to Face Encounter)
Now attached is a picture of where to watch along with the video itself. As a hidden Easter egg, pay attention at the 41st second mark and see if you can see the one standing right in front of me, he gives me a little show of his teeth. I’ve done time in the bush, I can track anything, I lived in places where poisonous spiders can paralysis you in less than a minute, I’ve killed about 25/30 deadly snakes. I’ll never understand how one can stand in front of me and I have no idea it happened.
You Tube Version – Face (Yowie?)
Still frame from Video:

Still frame from Video, Creature looking at me; image property of Brett.
We see the Creature:
(nose – lips – eyes – face – head – shoulder)

Still frame from Video, Creature looking at me; image property of Brett.
April 24, 2021 (Yowie Park)
Not to shatter your hopes but Yowie Park is mainly just a tourist walk. It’s located in Kilcoy, along with a racecourse for horses that’s about all that Kilcoy has to offer. I didn’t see and indication that any Yowies have been in that area for a number of years. Kilcoy is famous for Yowie sightings due to the bushland up, but the sightings occurred 20 or so years ago. Trust me it’s nothing to get overly excited about.
April 24, 2021 (Tracking the Yowie)
I tracked a group of about 15/20 to a rainwater drain that is fenced off. To these rainwater drains, sewers, tunnels, are ideal for where to sit and hide during the day. However there will always be one or two close by high up in a tree that watches the surrounding area the entire day, during the night they never venture outside that area that has been watched all day, so they are extremely confident there is nothing in harms way, this is also the reason they are tough to get on trail cam, because they either won’t venture into that particular part or they have watched them put it up. As for the tree breaks; it’s the younger ones that watch out during the day, they are smaller and can climb higher….one night I saw a large one walk up to a medium sized tree and snap the top of it and hold on to the end. Then, from the tree next to it which was quite larger a small one sprung out and landed on the platform that the Yowie had created by holding one end of the tree break with the other end still being attached to the tree. I imagine the twisting happens when they don’t think the tree is strong enough to support the weight. It’s actually a really logical reason, so the next time someone sends you a pic of a tree break, see if there is a bigger tree next to it. The video is snippet from a video I got when I first tracked them to their hideout. As I turn around you hear a series of three growls. I’ll also be sending you one more just for sheer amazement. Make sure you turn this up. One the day I never heard them, it’s almost like they are on a different frequency to us. It’s explainable.
You Tube Version – Frequency: Being Charged At?
April 24, 2021 (Useful Information)
I have quite a lot of useful information that I think you guys would like. For example, I know the reason for the tree breaks, because I’ve witnessed it happen. Passion fruit is their favorite food and they are track-able.
(Window Encounter)

Came right up to my window; photo, property of Brett.
That’s just a photo of a photo, but that’s what happens if I ignore them for a night, they come right up to my window. There are too many eyeballs in that photo for much of it to make sense.

Eyeballs at my window; photo, property of Brett.
That photo is literally nothing compared to what I have. That was a screenshot from a video which shows clear movement, but I have heaps of videos and even some good closeups.
April 20, 2021 (White Bigfoot Creature)
I’m really hoping this finds Scott Carpenter, I was told that this is the best email to get him in. I was able to capture a number of these beings on film and one of them was the exact face of the white face Sasquatch Scott got a few years back. The weird thing is, I live in Queensland, Australia. Scott if you would like to get in contact with me, it would be an absolute honour to talk with you, I’ve been a fan for many years. So below is a picture from a video of mine and the resemblance is just uncanny.

Video Still of White Bigfoot Creature (Yowie); image property of Brett.
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