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Most recent sharing is first, and scroll to bottom to see the beginning.
Shared on June 10, 2021 (Suburban Yowie Habitat)
2nd Queensland Video Chat (Suburban Yowie Habitat)
Brett takes us on a tour to the mini-bushland behind his home, which is some sort of vacation stop for Yowie People. Perhaps for an occasional escape form the dangers of the wild?
Bigfoot Eruption presents: 2nd Queensland Video Call (Suburban Yowie Habitat)
Shared on June 7, 2021 (Grunt)
Music was the reason the Creature came this close, and it sounds very close.
Chatting with Brett on June 6, 2021 (Eyes in the Darkness)
Early in this video Brett goes outside and we see lights that match what would be coming from eye sockets. One of the light up eyes, was red, which he said is not a good thing. Most were high off the ground, so these Creatures were tall.
Mid video, Brett goes out again, and we see the same lit up eye sockets.
He goes back inside, which gives these Creatures a chance to have privacy to come closer, and one did. At the end of the video, lit up eye sockets seem to be looking through the sliding glass door. Then the “eyes” turn at an angle, as if to get a better look. He says, “They do that a lot.”
Interesting discussion through-out the video.
Bigfoot Eruption presents: First Queensland Video Call (Eyes in the Darkness)
(pending edits)
Shared on May 12, 2021 (Talking)
Creatures looking through two different windows. Went outside, then something made a vocalization, and then came back in. Around minute 1:40 you can hear it, then you hear the door close to come back in.
Shared on May 8, 2021 (Night Vision)
They have night vision, so that’s why I say it’s like swimming with a shark in the water at night. They see better at night than they do during the day. It’s a feature of all native nocturnal animals in Australia. Cats eyes do it also. But I only use the camera to get a sense where they are. Because I cannot make anything out without the camera. It’s almost like our human eyes have been trained not to see them but the camera picks them up better day and night. Earlier tonight I was playing music outside for them, I step inside and have a look how many are peering over the fence.
You Tube Version – Video (Night Vision)
May 6, 2021 (Lights)
I think you will like this video, I had to split it into two because the file was to big, I’m filming in my backyard and I’m filming a park. There is nothing in the park that could cause any light (besides the street light I film at one stage which you can clearly see is a street light. What’s important about this video is the main one I’m filming is holding at baby. You can see a little eye shine under the two large eye shine. She is showing incredible trust in me by not growling or attacking at all. Also there is a point where I pan across and it’s safe to say they have me surrounded. I think there was a line of about five of them. Let me know what you think.
(Sitting Ducks)
The joke is Albert I could show you 15 of them right now, but only in the day time. The daytime they are like sitting ducks. At night it’s like playing around with a shark in the water. I was taught to track from an early age, but tracking isn’t about following footsteps, it’s far more complicated than that. Theses beings are trackable, I know because I’ve done it to three different groups of them. I think I have sent you this video before, it’s of the three growls on the first day I made contact, I say yell out profanity, then turn around than there are three growls, I than turn back around. That second time of me turning back around, if you go frame by frame you will see some strange stuff even a very very close up of a face. Something went for me that day, something stopped it. I’m sure of it. Really take the time, it’s when the camera is being swung around and things get a little blurry. Something got close enough to me to hurt me and something got close enough to me to stop it. Get the sound as loud as you can for the three growls.
You Tube Version – Frequency: Being Charged At?
April 24, 2021 (Face to Face Encounter)
Now attached is a picture of where to watch along with the video itself. As a hidden Easter egg, pay attention at the 41st second mark and see if you can see the one standing right in front of me, he gives me a little show of his teeth. I’ve done time in the bush, I can track anything, I lived in places where poisonous spiders can paralysis you in less than a minute, I’ve killed about 25/30 deadly snakes. I’ll never understand how one can stand in front of me and I have no idea it happened.
You Tube Version – Face (Yowie?)
Still frame from Video:
Still frame from Video, Creature looking at me; image property of Brett.
We see the Creature:
(nose – lips – eyes – face – head – shoulder)

Still frame from Video, Creature looking at me; image property of Brett.
April 24, 2021 (Tracking the Yowie)
I tracked a group of about 15/20 to a rain water drain that is fenced off. To these rain water drains, sewers, tunnels, are ideal for where to sit and hide during the day. However there will always be one or two close by high up in a tree that watches the surrounding area the entire day, during the night they never venture outside that area that has been watched all day, so they are extremely confident there is nothing is harms way…this is also the reason they are tough to get on trail cam, because they either won’t venture into that particular part or they have watched them put it up. As for the tree breaks….it’s the younger ones that watch out during the day, they are smaller and can climb higher….one night I saw a large one walk up to a medium sized tree and snap the top of it and hold on to the end. Than from the tree next to it which was quite larger a small one sprung out and landed on the platform that the Yowie had created by holding one end of the tree break with the other end still being attached to the tree. I imagine the twisting happens when they don’t think the tree is strong enough to support the weight. It’s actually a really logical reason, so the next time someone sends you a pic of a tree break, see if there is a bigger tree next to it. The video is snippet from a video I got when I first tracked them to their hideout. As I turn around you hear a series of three growls. I’ll also be sending you one more just for sheer amazement. Make sure you turn this up. One the day I never heard them, it’s almost like they are on a different frequency to us. It’s explainable.
You Tube Version – Frequency: Being Charged At?