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Christina’s Cucina – Bomarzo Monster Park in Italy (Bomarzo Parco dei Mostri – Sacro Bosco)

Bomanzo Monster Park, Italy; Image by erika mariniello from Pixabay.
As you will see in Christina’s article, there is much to learn. At Bigfoot Eruption we don’t re-invent the wheel, but share some thoughts as we direct you to the already created, information by others; thus, hoping for good networking relationships. So all may know.
She shares the history behind the park (this you will want to know). Why did someone build a monster park like this? How much is it to get in, and much more. See may photos, and experience what it is like to be there. Thanks to Christina.

Christina’s Monster Photo, Bomarzo Monster Park, Italy; Image, property of Christina’s Cucina.
Sacro Bosco, Localita Giafdino, 01020 Bomarzo VT, Italy
Trip Advisor – Parko Del Mostri Bomarzo
Atlas Obscuro – Monsters of Bomarzo

Monster, Bomarzo Monster Park, Italy; Image by Alessandra Carrer from Pixabay.

Bomarzo; Image by alefolsom from Pixabay.
Article by Christina’s Cucina, linked with permission.
Christina’s Cucina’s Monster photo, used with permission.
Monster Park, Image by erika mariniello from Pixabay
Monster, Image by Alessandra Carrer from Pixabay
Image by alefolsom from Pixabay
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