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(604) 796-5581
499 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, BC V0M 1K0, Canada
Trip Advisor – Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch Museum
FINDING PROOF at the Harrison Sasquatch Museum – You Tube
Credit to our Seattle Point of Contact for this info:
“The British Columbia government gave a large grant for a visitor center that is the home of the Sasquatch Museum in Harrison Hot Springs.”
“When Canada stops vaccine mandates, you probably want to visit this place. And after they finish their new attraction, of course.”
By Ryan Stacy
The next time the Sasquatch is spotted in British Columbia, Canada, he might have a smile on his face. Thanks to a recent grant by the province’s government, the Visitor Centre that’s home to the Sasquatch Museum in the village of Harrison Hot Springs will reportedly soon receive $1 million to put toward a new building that expands its offerings to fans of the hairy legend. Construction is expected to begin as early as summer of this year, and in a statement that’s sure to generate almost as much controversy as the existence of the creature himself, a local tourism official asserted that the new attraction will make Harrison the Sasquatch capital of the world.
In addition to the activities and exhibits the project brings, plans for the expansion include the museum’s commitment to continue to honor the Sts’ailes, the area’s First Nations people. Known to them as Sa:sq’ets, the creature has long been part of their traditional lore as a supernatural being who watches and protects their land.
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Harrison Hot Springs, BC; image, by tanishaeileen-5677415 of
Harrison Hot Springs, BC; image, by tanishaeileen-5677415 of
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