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Box 631, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia V0M 1K0
Facebook: Sasquatch Country Adventures
Bill Miller – Owner/Operator

Sasquatch Country Adventures; GIF, property of Sasquatch Country Adventures.
Take an adventure with Bill Miller into the wilderness of southern British Columbia to see evidence of Sasquatch from the comfort of a six passenger Polaris Ranger Crew UTV.

Sasquatch Country Adventures; Facebook photo, property of Sasquatch Country Adventures.
Photos property of Sasquatch Country Adventures…

Sasquatch Country Adventures with evidence; Facebook photo, property of Sasquatch Country Adventures.
Check out the Facebook page, and/or the website, to learn more.
Interesting, that before copying the link for the above map, at the bottom of the pink boxed area above, it said Sasquatch Status Three, as if this was an official marker for something. This could be a very interesting experience.
Note: this location is to the SW of Sasquatch Provincial Park, and not very far away at all. Perhaps, you check out both if you are in the area.
See Bill in the documentary on Amazon Prime…
The Unwonted Sasquatch: The Directors Cut
Contact the Eruption, if you have enjoyed this adventure. We want to know.

Sasquatch Country Adventures; image, property of Sasquatch Country.