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Wikipedia – Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands size comparison…

World Atlas – Solomon Islands – Maps and Facts

Giant heritage in the Solomon Islands? Yes, more than just a WW2 location for a battle (Guadalcanal). Take a listen…

Blurry Creatures, Episode 41: Giant Genetics with Dr. Laura Sanger

Solomon Islands – Nephilim Agenda – Ley Lines

Nephilim Host Criteria

Nephilim Hosts Groomed


Paranormal People Blog – Solomon Islands Giants


The Solomon Islands has a lot of caves, and this is where the Giants would have been.

Giant, Solomon Islands, Bigfoot Eruption Cryptomundo Tribute, sketch by Bigfoot Eruption.

Cryotmundo – Solomon Islands Giants




Solomon Islands; Image by David Peterson from Pixabay.

Solomon Islands; Image by David Peterson from Pixabay.


Bigfoot Eruption is, registered with Pixabay.

Bigfoot eruption is, registered with Google Maps.

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