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Alan Megargle (
Ron Meyer (Alien Bigfoot Connection)
Thom Powell (Edges of Science)
Small Greys
In our search for information on Fallen Angels posing as the Aliens, we found that a popular Alien TV show combines our Christian Heritage with Aliens. It was quick to see that they felt in the reverse manner of what we were saying:
Ancient Aliens: Were the Mythical Fallen Angels Actually Martians?
They are posing it as a question, so that is good; however, they are stating as fact, in the title, that the Fallen Angels are a Myth. Why are they deciding that for us? Isn’t that for each individual to determine?
In the You Tube comments section in this episode a brave soul shares that the Secret Society’s control of the History Channel and Ancient Aliens has an agenda, saying that Fallen Angels are Aliens when Actually they are Masquerading as Aliens. Wow, this shows how things are more than we are led to believe sometimes, and in this case a secret agenda being mentioned, is telling.
It makes perfect sense that the Secret Societies would push these ideas that minimize the Truth of God. They hate God. Question those things that attempt to make God, to be less. That is an agenda. Look at Evolution, a perfect example of how it can be taken to the extreme to say, “See we found a way to explain the amazing miracle of Creation, DNA, and Life, with also disregarding God. Now we can live how we want, and not follow the Rules of God. Now we don’t have to worry about if we are going to Hell.” If this is the claim, then be careful to act too fast; that would be a big leap.
Who would want you to believe that? Adam, or Cain? Right, the evil one of the two choices.
Remember, if they can make us dumber, by getting us to believe in an outside Alien Force, they then can try to dismiss the Rapture by saying Christians were stolen away by Aliens. Wow, Secret Societies, you are pretty smart.
Message to the Secret Societies: Don’t be mad. We are just trying to figure out the “What” and “How” of Bigfoot. Oh wait, proving that Bigfoot has a Biblical connection would prove the Bible, again, to be true. Well, hey, who’s going to believe us, right? As for us, thanks for making it so that we believe in God even more. With your actions you are inadvertently proving God to be true and real. We know that must be frustrating.
Here is something that could be some Key information:
Sid Roth – Fallen Angels (Demons) posing as Aliens
In this link you will hear about:
Alien activity is stopped in its tracks when using the name of Jesus Christ.
Star Child (sounds like Star People)
Hybrid program, when Giants were created by Fallen Angels, challenging God, walking among us still today.
Genetic Degradation/DNA Corruption of humans and beasts, that led to the Flood.
Can modern hybrids be saved?
Another comparison shared by Demons, Aliens, and Bigfoot Creatures: all are repelled by the name of Jesus Christ.
Vatican will set up the idea that we need to accept the ideology that Aliens are real.
Vatican has the Lucifer Project, telescope, watching and anticipating “something” in the stars.
George Pember, 19th Century prophesied how the Evil of the times of Noah, would happen again, including appearance of these entities, from the Prince of the Power of the Air, just like Paul says in Ephesians 2: The Prince of the Power of the Air (Satan).
“And you [a]were dead [b]in your trespasses and sins, 2 in which you formerly walked according to the [c]course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. 3 Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, [d]indulging the desires of the flesh and of the [e]mind, and were by nature children of wrath…”
All of this sets up a world that would be accepting of the Anti-Christ, and a one world government, leading to the endgame of the Secret Societies.
Ok, now to the original content of this page…
Many say that the Fallen Angels are what people identify as Aliens. The pagan religions of the Cain/Nephilim bloodline (the Fallen Angels had those Nephilim offspring with the female from the bloodline of Cain) had the technology, because the Sciences were taught to Adam, Cain, and Seth. This also means the Fallen Angels had access to this knowledge. Imagine the giant structures potentially be created (Pyramids, Stonehenge, Easter Island?), and the super-human strength and non-existent technology (back before the A.D. era) that would be needed. Now imagine, the crossbreeding technology required to create potential Creatures like the variations of Bigfoot, plus Dogman, and more. Notice in the Egyptian hieroglyphic records, Anubis (a dog/human crossbreed) is mentioned a lot by the Egyptians. This opens the door to the idea that Rah, the Egyptian Sun God, was a Fallen Angel. Look in our Angels page (PENDING), and you will know the three kinds of Angels, and that the third kind, can take any form. Remember the phrase, “You may be entertaining Angels, unaware.” Now reference any of those books that share stories about how the “good” Angels help people, while disguised in human form. Well, the “bad” Angels do it too, at least the kind of Angel that was made to do that.
For those, that think Aliens are a race from another planet, well then, that works with this idea that Fallen Angels, probably (could maybe) go to other dimensions or planets, as a home base. Would they even have the ability to be on another planet? It would make sense that they don’t need our atmosphere to exist, after all, they are Angels, and not human, and would thus already be Spiritual in nature. Also, they would want to claim “things” as their own, as Satan has shown, claiming Earth as his own. See, connecting the dots!
This all means that they could be Deceivers, and pretty good at it, and make humankind think that there are Aliens from other planets. To distract and deceive, to help confuse, and thus cover-up other things.
They already can shape shift into “things.” Hmmm, that really opens up the possibilities…
Don’t Aliens act like things that have the kind of technology, that we are talking about above? Hopefully, this is making you think about more Spiritual possibilities.
Remember, the movie, the Matrix (IMDb) and humans were living a false reality? In the same way, we are all deceived by another Narrative. Consider the possibility, the amazing Miracle, and thus a Gift, that the Bible is Truth, and protected enough over the years to still be Truth. Consider its Consistencies, and lack of Negative Motive.
Consider, that the Name of Jesus Christ, and the use of it, stops proposed Aliens and Bigfoot, in their tracks, say the eyewitnesses. If confronted by either, what other name would you use as this kind of Weapon. You will only have time to use one name. If you were to call out…
It seems, this is mentioned in at least every other episode of:
Bigfoot encounters by Atheists, and we are not trying to mock Atheists, have many accounts of breaking out into prayer. Prayer to whom, or Whom? The God of the Bible, or in the event of those not having a lot of knowledge of this, but enough to still call out to “the Creator.” Most know this definition, as God, with a capital “G.” This has to mean something. Bigfoot sightings are so scary, that Atheists call out to God. This means something is up, with Bigfoot; something out of this world scary.
Rabbit Trail: ever wonder why the World hates God so much? Who hates God this much? The Fallen Angels and their co-conspirators, with the goal of spreading this hate. Again, this deception is their only Goal. Wow, God must be pretty important. Hey, that means God is real.
Again, see Gary Wayne’s book: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, mentioned in our page called:
Genesis 6: The Birth of the Nephilim
If God is real, then the Bible is real. This means Fallen Angels are real, and their only goal is to Deceive.
If God is not Real, then why do we have proof of heritage that goes back to Cain, Adam and Eve? Oh, is that fake? Those that try to disprove God, and the Bible, often end up believing in God and the Bible, because you can’t disprove it. Please try. See this movie: The Case For Christ (IDMb).
With Bigfoot theories, imagine how a Bigfoot sighting could have been hoaxed. You will find that the easiest explanation is Bigfoot.
The same is true with trying to Disprove God, then you find the easiest explanation, is God.
As many of you have heard, DNA is a language, and a language needs an Author, a Creator. This proves to us personally, that Science Proves God, and God proves Science. Still skeptics of this, find reasons not to Believe. This proves that humans can convince themselves of anything if it means getting the result, they want that matches their own convictions.
Another Alien theory we came up with is that they are a hybrid, but again, Created by the Fallen Angels. If someone else came up with this theory already, then you can have the credit, but researching makes the mind of Bigfoot Eruption produce thoughts; thoughts that may not be original, but to us, original.
Since writing the above, we have found that this is already a common theory, and for that we are glad.
DNA from “out of this world things” like elongated skulls, have part human DNA, and part “Not of This World DNA.” AN example of so many thoughts, research, conclusions, which really make those extra brain cells start to wake up.
Again, consider the technology needed to promote hybrids, and also the Societies that were really into bestiality, which is a concept used to make hybrids, or at least attempt it. Who would attempt this? Those that are determined to be creators, like God can be presumed to be the Creator. So, those that hate God, and want to eradicate that which God Created; Fallen Angels.
For us this all points to the idea, that whatever Bigfoot is, that therefore “Bigfoot is!”
Note: Fallen Angels are “Demons?” This has been our faithful assumption for a lifetime. We will research this more. If, not, then what?
If you read Gary Wayne’s book, you will learn that based on research, Demons could be something else, however very real, and very bad. We recommend that you get his book, the Genesis 6 Conspiracy.
Also, Timothy Alberino lends perspective on what Aliens could be:
Timothy Alberino – Fallen Eruption (
We found a book that backs the idea that Aliens are not just beings from another planet. Click this link to see our page on it:
How Bigfoot & Aliens Prove the Bible is True
Check put this book by Ronnie Le Blanc:
Amazon – Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot & Orange Orbs
BHoP#218 Unidentified Phenomena and Other Hobgoblins of Weird America (
Podcast episode discussing UFO sightings – Lutheran Perspective.
These Podcasts share about Aliens and more:
Bigfoot Eruption Presents (pending)…
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Itty Bitty Inn, North Bend, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.