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Update 2022: Blurry Creatures Podcast presents…

EP 65: The Star People with Chief Joseph & Dr. Laralyn RiverWind

Now original 2019 content…

Star People

Wikipedia – Star People

Legends and Pioneers – Legends of the Star People

For the context of our study, we are referring to the ancient Indian context of the meaning for “Star People.” The Indian concept was the original usage. This is the usage we are using. Dating back many years, in Indian history, and more recent homesteader reports are that Bigfoot Creatures that get to know people on a more personal level, discuss the Star People, taking the younger males away for a time. Taken away for what?

Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 419: I would not believe it if I didn’t see it

This above episode of Sasquatch Chronicles is one of the creepiest, and also a great episode that references the Star People. Check it out. You have to hear this!

See April 2019 Timeline at 911 Bigfoot Help to see it referenced when the Creatures disappeared from Wyman’s property and then returned after a week and a half of silence, and then returning with much weird activity.

Bigfoot Eruption, believes they are taken away for brainwashing and indoctrination. By whom? To match this theory of Bigfoot being related to Nephilim (hybrid – DNA Manipulation), then this would mean the further brainwashing to hate God, and more. We know that young ones have a mind of their own and want to think for themselves. Bigfoot’s are probably no different. As we have seen from the April 2019 Timeline, a Bigfoot, a young one, was getting closer to the house, more brave, more curious, and then disappeared for over a week. Things were silent all that time, and then suddenly much more odd activity happened all at once, as if the young one had returned with a new philosophy, and new bag of tricks.

What are the Star People? We are thinking, this could be perceived as Aliens, AKA Demons. What has the power, ability, and motive to shape-shift appearance, transport Creatures around the world, and indoctrinate them with the skills to live isolated, hate or fear mankind, and despise and/or fear the name of Jesus Christ, prayer, and Biblical scripture? Not Alien, but Demons, with all the technology of Cain, and all the help from the Secret Societies, and with the convenient Alien and UFO smokescreen. (??)

What is used in an Exorcism? A person of God, using prayer, scripture, and in using the power of Jesus name. All things that act as the Achilles Heal of Bigfoot Creatures, based on eyewitness accounts.

Again, a theme that is easy for us to go back to in many of these categories, is the similarities between Bigfoot and Demons.

Also, consider this. Where do the Star People take these Bigfoot Creatures? That is a separate topic all on its own, for sure.

Share your ideas.

See update below…

Star People, they are coming; painting by Bigfoot Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Update 2022:

We have since learned that in most cases Demons need a host, which caters to the “meat suit” concept. Why? To have beastly soldiers to counter God’s mighty “monsters” in Armageddon?

It makes sense because Satan would want a counter-fit version of what God has already Created. See this Theory:

The “Bigfoot Only In Heaven” Theory

If the “meat suit” theory is accurate, then even more reason why the Star People (Aliens/Fallen Angels) would take them to indoctrinate them in the Evil. After all, a Christian Bigfoot would be half human, and also not a vessel that Demons could possess, because Demons cannot possess where the Holy Spirit already resides. So take them young, on the Star People field trips ( a Bigfoot Eruption theory).

Note: after reading  the New Age version for Star People, it seems similar to the Indian Heritage version, just tweaked to propose that our human origins are from Space People.

Wikipedia – Star People (New Age Belief)

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