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2022 update, we feel these Podcasts are on the right track…
Blurry Creatures Podcast, EP 64: Demonology with Dr. Judd Burton & Doug Van Dorn
EP 70: Demonology Part 2 with Doug Van Dorn and Dr. Judd Burton
Generic definitions (2019)
Demonology: the study of Demons.
Demon: An evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
Note: 2022 update. In the above definition of Demon, we feel the definition is sharing about two different things, and that devils are not demons, because demons are not in hell.
Original 2019 content…
We have learned that Fallen Angels are imprisoned in a certain level of hell; the lowest level, and that Demons are something else. Perhaps the unwanted spirits of the deceased Nephilim. However, we thought our whole lives that Fallen Angels WERE THE Demons. With going to church our whole lives, why is Bigfoot Eruption confused? Still learning.
See down below these links to see us try to tie Bigfoot into all of this; plus, to define what demons are. Good to know your enemy. Also, keep in mind it is dangerous to research this stuff too much. Be careful. This is why we use mostly Christian resources. Demons are no joke and are not your friends.
Try these links below, let us know if you figure it out…
Daemon, and thus, Demon. Reference pending…
Blurry Creatures, Episode 44: The Disembodied Spirits with Dr. Gregory Reid
Perry Stone, Episode 858: When Demons Get Comfortable
Perry Stone, The Demonic Strategies That We Are Up Against – Pt 1
Sermon: Demonology (pending)
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 104: Breaking Demonic Bonds
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 108: The Demon Realm
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 138: Sasquatch Chronicles Campfire Talk
Since Demonology, is the “study of Demons,” then we may be approaching this page all wrong. We shall see. Be careful about studying Demons. We are doing it to try and understand the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot.
In our Bigfoot Eruption main theory, the Demons, need a place to be, and the Fallen Angels, and the line of Cain would want nothing more than to have Demonic control (possession) in the vessels of Giants that have long since been interbred with Apes, Dogs, and who knows what else, plus breading among each other.
Why else would a Bigfoot rape a cow, as many eyewitnesses have claimed? For Demons, they are very lustful, and would have sex with anything. Hikers, and campers beware.
With God’s people having gotten quite good at exterminating the race of Giants, as the Old Testament shows, a tool meant to destroy the bloodline of Adam, the Giants, were scattered throughout the world by the secret societies of Cain. Those that have eluded the Star people, would look relatively civil and human-like.
Pending, our completion of the Star People page. Star People in this sense, are those that collect up the Bigfoot Creatures, for a road trip. They are perceived to be Aliens, part of the deception, but we believe that is just a cover, for the unity of the Secret Societies Pagan and Demonic Endeavor and the agenda to manage the Bigfoot.
Blurry Creatures Podcast, EP 65: The Star People with Chief Joseph & Dr. Laralyn RiverWind
The Secret Societies that were born from Cain’s hate for God, and were a people forged in the image of Cain, that promoted Pagan religions. All Pagan religion was encouraged, and even Idol Worship. Anything but God. So back to the Star People…
If gathered up by the Star people, then they face indoctrination and brainwashing of the evil, but also testing of all sorts, like DNA manipulation (cross-breeding as an example).
Indian Heritage, and also eyewitness accounts of some that have extended relationships with Bigfoot Clans, have attested to the Star People coming, and taking the young Bigfoot Creatures, for a period of time. Three weeks or less?
Wyman Smith of 911 Bigfoot Help, has witnessed the activity of the local Bigfoot Clan change like this. Maybe the Star People were the reason. When it seemed all activity of the Juveniles had ceased, for a couple of weeks, and then returned. If you pay attention like Wyman has been doing, you can notice details like this.
Fallen Angels want control, and want to be creators, as their goal is to blaspheme the Creator. The line of Cain wants the same thing. Perfect Allies for those that hate God.
In the end, hoping to create their own victory in Armageddon. References pending.
We pray for clues, and thus this is us putting together those clues.
Are we wrong? Something heavily Spiritual is going on, based on these clues.
In our research we have found no other theory as in depth as this one; but, we are always looking…
If we get a photo, vocal recording or video, does that tell us why Bigfoot exists? No, so we are researching the WHY and the WHAT of Bigfoot. See our Blob-Squatch page…

Dark Forest; Image by Syaibatul Hamdi from Pixabay.