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Jeff Belanger: Exploring the Unexplained
New England Legends Podcast – Website
Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode: 667 Exploring the Unexplained
An expert on New England legends and paranormal, which includes Bigfoot.
Also, UFOs, Thunderbird, Orbs, Indian Curses, and more…
Checking these four above links, will really help you know what Jeff is all about.
Sasquatch Podcast Library (New England Legends)
Episode 180: The Cobbler Critter (Massechusetts)
Episode 120: Slipperyskin (Vermont)

Castle; Image by Reinhold Silbermann from Pixabay.
The World’s Most Haunted Places: From the Secret Files of (2020)
Real-Life Ghost Encounters (Haunted: Ghosts and the Paranormal) 2013
Who’s Haunting the White House?: The President’s Mansion and the Ghosts Who Live There (2012)
Encyclopedia of Haunted Places (2009)
Encyclopedia Of Haunted Places – Revised Edition
The Nightmare Encyclopedia (2009)
Our Haunted Lives: True Life Ghost Encounters (2006)
Yes, he does know about Bigfoot also. Just a reminder.

Trying to make sure this page does not get too scary; Image by nancy sticke from Pixabay.
On Amazon Prime…
Afraid of Nothing (2020) Horror, Documentary
New England Legends (2019) Documentary
The Bridgewater Triangle (2013) Documentary
IDMb – Bridgewater Triangle – the Movie
Bigfoot Eruption/Bridgewater Triangle

New England; Image by Larry White from Pixabay.
New England; Image by Larry White from Pixabay.
Castle; Image by Reinhold Silbermann from Pixabay.
Dogs; Image by nancy sticke from Pixabay.
Bigfoot Eruption is registered with…
Bigfoot Eruption is registered with GIPHY.
Jeff Belanger and New England Legends has been contacted through this contact option.
Jeff Belanger (New England Legends) appears with permission.
Wes Germer has been contacted about linking to Sasquatch Chronicles – Episodes.
Bigfoot Eruption and Copyright Law.
If you are upset right now about all the ghost references, consider this; ghosts might not be ghosts, but something far worse. We explore this in Bigfoot Eruption. Woo!

Snowy New England Road; image, by MOHANN | Pixabay.
Snowy New England Road; image, by MOHANN | Pixabay.