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See also, Bridgwater Triangle Theories…

Bridgewater Triangle

An area of strange activity, paranormal activity,  Bigfoot activity, and more…

Wikipedia – Bridgewater Triangle

Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode: 667 Exploring the Unexplained


Books that mention this location:

Amazon: Mysterious America – Loren Coleman

Weird Massachusetts – Jeff Balanger 


Jeff Belanger (New England Legends)

Weird phenomenon has been concentrated in this triangle, for over 100 years.


TerrorCon Film Festival 2014 – Winner – Audience Award

 IDMb – Bridgewater Triangle – the Movie

If you are a Prime Member, watch on Amazon Prime.


More online info:

Ghost Theories – Bridgewater Triangle

Massachusetts Forest; Image by skeeze from Pixabay.

The Trainagel is formed by connecting the dots to these towns, Rehoboth, Freetown, and Abinington.

Wikipedia- Rehoboth


Interesting that in the above Wikipedia link, they mentioned the King Philips’s war, which is a crucial theory as to the strangeness of curse potential. So Rehoboth claims the King  Philip factor.

Rehoboth to Freetown, Massachusetts; image, by Google Maps.

What’s next? Now we are already in the southeast of Massachusetts, now go southeast even more to Freetown.

Wikipedia – Freetown


This Freetown link mentioned it was one of the oldest towns in the country, established by pilgrims, which could mean a connection to the King Philip’s War. Now we travel north to Abington.

Freetown to Abington, Massecgusetts; image, by Google Maps.

Wikipedia – Abington


And finally back to Rehoboth, and we just completed the triangle.

Abington to Rehoboth, Massachusetts; screen Shoot; image, by Google Maps.

So a 28 mile by 16 mile by 28 mile triangle, roughly, by automobile. That is actually a pretty condensed area for so much mysterious activity. The Bermuda Triangle of Massachusetts.

As you can see all around the triangle, and inside of it, is civilization, and yet still this phenomenon takes place. Despite all that, their is plenty of countryside and forest (woodlands).

Massachusetts Forest; Image by skeeze from Pixabay. 

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Bigfoot Eruption is registered with Google Maps.

Jeff Belanger (New England Legends) appears with permission.

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