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New England Settlement and Sasquatch Blog

Thanks to Joanie…

New England Settlement and Sasquatch:

Farmland, Massachusetts; photo, shared by Joanie with compliments to Mary.

“I have a 500 acre farm with a big swamp, hundred of acres of woods, a large hill with bear caves in the middle of Massachusetts and have found a small track of what appear to be bigfoot tracks. My land is on old Nipmuck camping land that figured in or near King Phillip’s war.”

King Phillip’s War: See the Bridgewater Triangle.

“I have read plenty about people settling the West running into Bigfoot but NOTHING about the settlers of New England and bigfoot. I wrote to the Elder of the Nipmuck Nation but they haven’t answered. Can you refer me to ANYTHING? I fail to believe there were no Sasquatch here when the Pilgrims all settled here as the Nipmuck have a Sasquatch tradition. I figured since you were a New Englander I would ask you. Thanks in advance!”

April 1, 2022 this was referred to Jeff Belanger (New England Legends)…

Blog Created for all to share in on this:

New England Settlement and Sasquatch Blog

New England; Image by Larry White from Pixabay.

New England; Image by Larry White from Pixabay.

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