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The historic Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot footage taken at Bluff Creek, sky-rocketed the interest in the Bigfoot Phenomenon. Just South was Willow Creek, a town, that was ready to become Bigfoot-Central. Thus, started, populating it with the image of Bigfoot on many businesses, and help create the Phenomenon of Willow Creek. A town of “Bigfoot Stuff.”

You can go to the Bigfoot Eruption Virtual Map in the main Menu, and see all the locations in Willow Creek, from a satellite view.

See below for a video on this Bigfoot town.

Ace Hardware Bigfoot Mural

Willow Creek China Flat Museum

Bigfoot Motel

Bigfoot Books

Early Bird (Bigfoot Burger)

Bigfoot Steakhouse

Bigfoot Equipment and Repairs

Bigfoot Contractor Supply

Bigfoot Rafting Company

Bigfoot Golf and Country Club

Bigfoot Golf Country Club

Bigfoot Daze (Finding Bigfoot Festival)

Bigfoot Jamboree and RV Camp River Park

Patriot Gas Station (Bigfoot Mural and Bigfoot Statue)


You Tube:  The Harrowing Hunt for Bigfoot

Bigfoot: How Willow Creek Became Tormented By Bigfoot Sightings | Boogeymen | Real History – YouTube

SC EP:1089 They Were All Around Us | Sasquatch Chronicles


Chamber of Commerce Bigfoot Statue

ACE Bigfoot Mural


Travelers come from all over the world…

Bigfoot Lives Near Willow Creek, California, photo, property of Merri Broderick.

Photos Pending…

The ACE hardware Mural shows how the community feels, that Bigfoot helped build the town. In actual truth, this is true, as the Phenomenon created interest.

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