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2919 South Geiger Boulevard, Spokane, WA 99224

Spokane Bigfoot; photo, Property of Bigfoot Eruption.
This was over 5 feet tall.

Spokane Bigfoot; photo, Property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Spokane Bigfoot; photo, Property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Clearing out an old storage unit in Airway Heights, Washington, near Fairchild Air Force Base, we found a garbage disposal facility for the junk, including our father’s recliner. This was one of the last physical items we had of his where we could say, “He sat in that chair.” We sadly left it to be incinerated since we had nowhere to put it, and it had become rat infested.
This Bigfoot statue is facing this Spokane Waste to Energy facility, just west of Spokane. Seemed a fitting tribute, and then we met Wyman Smith in-person (Bigfoot Legend), the next day. Quite a weekend, in early November 2018.
See a Bigfoot like this at: