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As seen in our Bigfoot Timeline (1995)
1995 A.D. – Forester photo, Wild Creek, Washington, Mt. Rainier, Wilderness. Our favorite Bigfoot photo, hoax or not. It is amazing. We need to do a page for this sighting/proposed hoax.
Trashing Bigfoot – Evidence Eruption (
Researcher Cliff Crook Accused of Hoaxing by the BFRO | Bigfoot Junction (
Bigfoot Junction – Cliff Crook accused by Moneymaker
Trashing Bigfoot – Evidence Eruption (
Cliff Crook created Bigfoot Central – All Things Bigfoot
Cliff Crook created the Bigfoot Museum
Bottom of this page: See our Discord attempts to legally recreate, this image…
We at Bigfoot Eruption like to say, “What if?”
Let’s take a look…
Sometimes we look at the famous Bigfoot image, and we say, “What if that is an actual Bigfoot Creature?”
That is a “Wow” sort of moment for us. Fake or real, we love that image of Bigfoot. Something about it…
Consider, the Patterson Gimlin footage. How many times have you seen it? Are we taking it for granted? Do we need to remember how that is probably a real Bigfoot Creature? Maybe we should be more amazed then we are, as perhaps we grow complacent at the very fact.
Sadly, there are reasons to believe this picture/set of pictures is a hoax.
We encourage everyone to first believe people. The damage of not being believed is long-lasting. In a few minutes you will know if someone is bluffing, but initially treat them with respect. In fact, as you are starting to believe it to be a hoax, remain professional. Perhaps, they have reasons for this:
Perhaps the secret societies, have coerced an individual to promote a hoax. OK, now you think we are crazy. Will we ever know the truth if we don’t think outside the box?
Mental illness could be another answer, so don’t hate.
Does the person have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? This doesn’t mean a lie is OK, but listen and learn, to get a feel for the person as well as their story.
The Science Community and the Bigfoot Community both destroyed Melba Ketchum for her DNA study, all because her findings upset the apple cart for both.
We remember a young Bigfoot Podcast just blistering her, and then years later, the same, feeling that they may have been wrong, were sorry, and hoped to have her on the show someday.

Wild Creek Mystery; Image by AJS1 from Pixaba.
We have heard that Mr. Crook makes money off the image, so we probably won’t have it for you to see on this page. We will however, have an artist do a rendition of it. Pretty sure that is legal.
For your own enjoyment put Wild Creek Bigfoot into your “search.” The pictures you will see are pretty amazing.
The human, but not human, face is spot-on in our opinion, but what do we know. We just like it. No neck. Perfect.
Now something that hoax busters always presume is that a perfect picture of a Bigfoot, looking up at you from a swamp, must be a hoax.
Thus, Bigfoot Creatures should feel free to get their picture taken because no one will believe it anyway. That will be our argument to the Big Creatures as we pull out our camera. Just kidding.
However, this photographer got a second clear photo, as the Creature turns to it’s right. Hoax buster’s 101, ding-ding-ding.
Try this forum, and you learn the images (actually seven of them) were from 1995, taken in the Mr. Crooks garden, presumably, and the Creature is actually very small. Still such great detail. See the interesting comments:
Unexplained Mysteries Forum/Wild Creek Bigfoot – Not Secure
Still, when we look at this Bigfoot, it feels so real. One of the best renditions of Bigfoot. He should make them and sell them. We would buy one. No way we could do a better job.

Wild Creek Bigfoot by Bigfoot Eruption; sketch, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Enjoy our Wild Creek Bigfoot Blog to share your thoughts.
Discord Mid-Journey recreation attempts, by Bigfoot Eruption:
This is not illegal if we are forming our own viewpoint. So, consider this “other works” of how to hoax (perceived hoax) a Bigfoot figurine in a marsh.
The 30 Percent Rule in Copyright Law (

Imagine Recreating Famous Bigfoot Hoax; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Dischord Mid-Journey.
See our sketch above and you will see why we describe the head being not above the chest, but on the front of the chest.
“/Imagine – prompt – Bigfoot Hoax, figurine standing in marsh, ankle deep, looking upward at camera, wide body, wide shoulders, black, humanoid face, caveman qualities, head on front of chest”

Imagine Recreating Famous Bigfoot Hoax; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Dischord Mid-Journey.
So, the A.I is ignoring us about “head on front of chest.”

Imagine Famous Hoax Recreation; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Dischord Mid-Journey.
All this fun because it would be illegal to show the original image. Then why is the image on the internet in so many places?
We heard he charged $5,000 to use the image. We love the image and would pay for it if we could.
Here is a link that paints Mr. Crook in a positive way:
Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff): ‘America’s first Bigfoot investigator’ finds new footprints (
And it legally shows the image?
Sounds like it is on display in Bothell, Washington? Maybe the controversy is over?