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Wild Creek Bigfoot – Cliff Crook (

We were looking for positive things to say about Bigfoot Researcher Cliff Crook, and found a website article where he trashes the Patterson-Gimlin footage, in fact the whole article does. This got us to thinking, we need a page called, “Trashing Bigfoot.”

To be fair you can trash someone else’s claim, while still believing in Bigfoot.

We personally feel that trashing Bigfoot actually exposes how Bigfoot is actually real. Maybe we can find some truths by working backwards.

This maybe relates to the disinformation campaigns.

Famous Bigfoot Footage Stabilized Using AI, Making It Pretty Clear What It Is | IFLScience

This article rips at the Patty footage, without giving credit to all the other ways it seems authentic. Could be a convenient plant into the internet world, but why?

What do you think?

The irony is that Cliff Crook has taken the most heat for hoaxing as anyone, and yet he gives his opinion against someone else’s footage. Maybe this makes sense.

Why Bigfoot Is Not Real: Bigfoot Debunked! – Exemplore

Simply saying that no other Ape could live in North America because no other apes do. Remember, Bigfoot would be one special ape, with much that we do not know yet.

Discrediting the heritage of the American Indians? We would never go there.

Interesting, but you can decide for yourselves if this article provides proof.

Imagine Man Hoaxing Bigfoot with Puppet Strings; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.

Wait a minute. Hoaxing a Bigfoot is different than claiming that someone else’s Bigfoot encounter was a hoax.

Debunking Someone Elses’ Bigfoot Experience; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.

There is a website, or You Tube channel, where the host tries to debunk all sorts of Bigfoot videos. Interesting yes. Fair? Probably. When we find it we will give the link.


This picture reminded us of a Bigfoot Hoax.

Search name was Hoax, actual title is Gorilla; image, by Samueles | Pixabay.

Hoax; image, by Samueles | Pixabay.