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Other Names for Bigfoot (U.K.)
Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom…
According to Google Maps…
Scotland is a part of the U.K. and Ireland is not. We say this because at first glance we thought Scotland was excluded based on certain resource, but as you can see…

United Kingdom, screen shot; image, property of Google Maps.
Our actual British point of contact has the answer:
Northern Ireland.
See our Ireland page, or our Northern Ireland page to see why Ireland separated from the UK.
Also, the whole UK is now not a part of the European category. Right?
So we moved the UK out of the European category, and can be found under the Worldwide category. Are they now their own sub continent like New Zealand? We want to know.

Brexit; Image by Tumisu from Pixabay.
Brexit; Image by Tumisu from Pixabay.
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Scotland; Image by Thomas Ulrich from Pixabay