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Sasquatch Podcast Library (England)…

English Sasquatch

Green Man

Green Man Pub

Green Man Festival


Hugh Newman (Ancient Giants)

Jim Viera (Ancient Origins)


The biggest lead we have right now for Bigfoot themed locations, and theories in England:

FInding Bigfoot

British Bigfoot – Episode 4, Season 11

Animal Planet

Watch this episode to see the team visit the Green Man Pub, our first England location for

The Green Man Pub also has a festival, and that is also listed on the Green Man Pub page…


Pending information below, for future pages in this section:


Green Man, photo, courtesy Stefan Keller of Pixaby.

If you have experienced a Bigfoot store, pub, restaurant, museum, trail, park; you get the idea, then please “Contact the Eruption.”

It can be from England, or anywhere. If it has a theme that is Green Man, Grey Man, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Yowie, and the list goes on. Any relative of Bigfoot! Anything we can learn, to get us closer to the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot. Thank you.


Stonehenge? Imagine the mysterious connection to this. Fallen Angel/Giant connection? Pending more info…

Stonehenge – England, photo, courtesy of Pixaby.

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Pending: Stonehenge


Episode 8: Burial Mounds with Fritz Zimmerman (at 22:00)


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