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Our list of help for having faith in God/Jesus/Bible: A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.


Pages Created from the below questions, or complimenting them:



Contradiction Recon

The Controversy of Isaiah 45:7 – Fallen Eruption

Why Deconstructing? – Fallen Eruption

Reconstructing – Fallen Eruption (Witness Accounts)

Why You Hate Christians – Fallen Eruption

AD/BC – Fallen Eruption 

How Not to Read the Bible – Fallen Eruption

Not The Sugar Daddy – Fallen Eruption

When God Doesn’t Make Sense




Now on to the Hard Questions:

Thanks to our San Antonio point of contact, we now have this QUESTIONS page. Yet to be determined if these questions get moved to their own pages. If it is linked, then it has been given its own page.

These are tough questions about God and the Bible. Everyone feel free to ask hard questions.

Most recent questions at the top. Remember, it is ok to ask questions.

Contradiction Recon

Some share that the Bible has contradictions. Let’s take a look.



Many questions can be answered by researching who is in dominion, of what.


AD/BC – Fallen Eruption 

Did A.D. use to mean “After Death?” Did B.C. use to mean “Before Christ?” If yes, then it would make sense that the side that is against Christ in this world, had to make a major shift to continue to keep Christ out of the limelight.

Question by Bigfoot Eruption…

Why Deconstructing?

Answer to Deconstructing from Bigfoot Eruption, February 2023…

Wyman Smith of 911 Bigfoot Help, has said some things that makes sense to us. Read the Word of God, know and love the Lord, and the fianl phrase, “It is a heart condition.” Now for someone who is deconstructing, they would hate these answers and call them Christian Hypocrisy. This response, we see as a clue.

Question by Bigfoot Eruption…


The Controversy of Isaiah 45:7 – Fallen Eruption (

Why does the Bible say that God created Evil?

Question Facilitated by Bigfoot Eruption, but brought up by the San Antonio Contact…


Free Will?

If God created everything and He knows everything, then how does free will work? Does that mean He knows who will and who won’t enter heaven even before they are born? At what point does our spirit and soul become part of us? Is God a part of that? For example, you and I have both had sex with our wives and as a result, we have both impregnated them. You had 3 kids and I had one. However, both of our wives also had miscarriages too. That means that life was either taken away or it was a result of some failed biological process. In either case, is God involved in both? Does God discriminate how a sexual act takes place? Do you have to be married? How about unmarried? How about in-vitro fertilization? In that case, a sexual act doesn’t even need to occur for a child to be created. Does God care if a homosexual couple has a baby with a surrogate mother? How about rape? What role does God play in the role of a child being born via an act of rape? Would it matter if it was incestuous rape, like a father raping his 13-year-old daughter? ALL OF THESE THINGS OCCUR EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! What if it was a case of consensual sex between a father and daughter and subsequently a child was born? That last one sounds crazy, doesn’t it???!!!! Not so fast though, because that’s exactly what the Bible narrative would have us believe, at least in the same ballpark.

Question by the San Antonio Contact…


Answers by Bigfoot Eruption, February 2023:

Free Will only refers to one thing: will we choose God to guide us, or not. We feel this is our updated best answer. A baby being shot dead by a random drive-by shooting is sad and unfortunate, but not a case of Free Will. Two people having sex that results in having a baby is not Free Will. What you choose to eat for breakfast is not Free Will. These are normal choices within life, whether you have chosen God of your own Free Will, or Not.

Answers by Bigfoot Eruption, December 2022:

We think it could be said, that we have free-will, and God is so smart, that He can anticipate every chess move we are going to make. Chess players that are good, can predict your moves, and sometimes many moves in advance. It is hard for us to grasp God knowing this for billions of people. He never expected us to understand.

If it is not anticipation, but the fact that He just knows, then OK.

Just because he knows everything that will be, doesn’t mean he caused your free-will to be a certain outcome, but He just knows the outcome.

Free-will that leads to surrendering to Evil, is still free-will.

More on this soon. Links, and more.


Why Incest?

Adam and Eve had sex and created Cain and Abel and we all descended from them. That means somewhere along the way, either Adam, Cain, or Abel had to have sex with Eve in order for more children to come along, inevitably some being females. It’s possible that Adam and Eve had a daughter sometime after Cain and Abel and either one of those two had sex with their sister or maybe Adam had sex with his own daughter. We don’t really know because the Bible does not spell it out. In any case, we can assume that incest was occurring very early on. Now, Bible scholars have a very unique way of explaining away this problem of incest. They’ll say they had no choice, and it wasn’t sinful to do such a thing back then. Yet, 6000 years later, incest is considered to be one of the sickest ills of our society. We see the problem of incest arise again about 1600 years after the early days of Adam and Eve when the Great Flood washed over the earth. God, in His alleged mistake, hated what had become of what He had created and decided to drown every human being on earth minus Noah, his 3 sons, and their wives. Christians and Jews are led to believe that Noah’s family of 8 repopulated the earth about 4400 years ago after God drowned everyone else. I think even Muslims hold some of the same beliefs of the Great Flood, but it isn’t exactly spelled out in the Quran. So, 4400 years after the flood, which leads us to present day, we are led to believe that we are all a result of an incestuous repopulation of the earth after the flood. At best, it was first cousins who were having sex in those days of this repopulation of the earth. Miraculously, it resulted in all the different races of people we see today…Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian, African, White, Hispanic and on and on it goes. Yet all these different races LARGELY have different religious beliefs. It is what it is. I didn’t write the Bible. I’m only considering it from a different viewpoint. If God is all-knowing, how could and why would He have created a race of people that He knew He was eventually going to drown? From a biblical standpoint, these issues are not addressed. As Christians, we just accept them in blind faith… and if we don’t accept them, then we will burn in hell forever!!!!

Question by the San Antonio Contact…


Answer from Bigfoot Eruption, December 2022:

Blurry Creatures Podcast just had an episode where the guest shared about this. Basically, Adam and Eve had tons of kids, so yes, their kids started having kids, but because the DNA pool was that pure.

Many of the rules that God placed on us, especially in the Old Testament had to do with things that were better or safer of you. Like not eating pork, was a refrigeration issue.

Father of Bigfoot Eruption (RIP 1997), once tried to be a pastor, and he preached that other people were around, and not just Adam and Eve. He was a guest pastor on that day, and a good chance is that he wasn’t invited back, but he may have been on to something. Wish we could ask him.

More links on this as we get them. Like the Podcast we have heard on the pre-Adamic concept; meaning, beings that were a lot like people, but were here before Adam and Eve.


Killing Jesus?

Then, along comes Jesus. The Jews of those days were so deeply rooted in the ancient scriptures and so closely aligned with the God they were raised to believe in that they mistakenly had Jesus crucified. Let me rephrase that, we as Christians view it as a mistake. The Jews did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah then, and they for sure as hell don’t believe He is the Messiah today. Even the Muslims, who have their roots deeply aligned with the Old Testament of the Bible gave no consideration to Jesus then and give Him no consideration today. What is also an inconvenient truth is that all 3 faiths have killed in the name of their Abrahamic-faith-based religions…yes, Christians have killed others in the name of their faith.

Question by the San Antonio Contact…


Bigfoot Eruption Answers, December 2022.

We have learned recently, finally, why God sanctioned the killing of people groups. The DNA Wars. Kill the Giants (Nephilim DNA) or be erased from the planet.

But the Holy War reasons, other than that, no we do not understand. Pending, links that make sense about this.

More about killing Jesus. The biggest mistake Satan has made. What a stupid move. Played right into the plan. No wonder this guy loses.



There is far too much suffering in this world, especially among innocent children. I’ll never understand why God allows little ones, even infants, to be abused, molested, or even murdered. I do not accept this “attribute” of God and I don’t see how I ever will. If my unacceptance of these matters ends up being a case of me losing my salvation, then so be it. If I end up burning in hell because I disagree with how God either allows children to suffer or with how He does not intervene on their behalf, then I guess I’ll burn in hell.

These are just a sliver of the things I’ve considered. There is so much more. These issues do sometimes test my faith, but I have not lost faith. Where I’m ultimately at in life is that there may be “truths” that we are completely unaware of. It may simply be a case of them not being explained in the Bible. When you look at how the Bible came to be, that’s whole other issue in and of itself. Did you know that are there no original texts of the New Testament? All we have are copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of what was thought to have originally been the original text. Did you know that it was some 25 or 30 years after Jesus was crucified that any New Testament writings were written? The Apostle Paul is believed to have first written anything from the New Testament. Actually, he probably only dictated what was written. Why? Probably because in the days of Jesus, and even thousands of years before, people simply did not know how to read or write. In ancient days, it is thought that less than 1% of the population knew how to read or write. We also have absolutely no idea who wrote the Gospels either. That’s why when you open your Bible, and turn to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, you’ll clearly see that they all say, “The Gospel According to Mathew…or Mark, or Luke, or John.” Nobody actually knows who wrote these books which is why they declared each Gospel as “according to”. This is also why we have different accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection in the different gospels. However, there can only be ONE TRUE ACCOUNT.

Question by the San Antonio Contact…



I can go on and on with all of the contradictions and confusing things in the Bible. However, I’d rather not go there anymore. I’ve already discovered much about it, and it has not been fun. I seriously recommend that you use caution in considering anything that falls outside of what you’ve always believed. If you do, I recommend you use extreme caution when discussing these matters with your loved ones and especially your wife.

Question by the San Antonio Contact…



And here we are, almost 2000 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and we are considering what in the world is going on with sasquatch. A creature that kills and eats animals, a creature who can pass through physical objects and a creature who can speak telepathically to us. It’s a creature that can seemingly appear and disappear at will, and who scares people half to death. It’s a creature too, who I have heard reports about, that has sexually violated both human beings and other animals. There may be good experiences about sasquatch, but the majority of the stories I’ve heard are terrifying.

Sorry for how long this email is. Hopefully, I didn’t make too many grammatical errors. None of what I’ve written here is meant for you to consider anything outside of your faith. At the end of the day, I think we’re all looking for the same answers. We might have different questions when searching for these answers, but let’s face it:

The Sasquatch Phenomenon doesn’t quite fit into any of the human belief systems. Yet, you can take a short drive north and be on a property where sasquatch have been physically seen…and supernaturally experienced.


Question by the San Antonio Contact…


Answers from Bigfoot Eruption, December 2022:

The Sasquatch Phenomenon may not fit into our human belief systems, but when we started connecting it to the weird, and the Biblical, we noticed that we started to be able to make sense of the things.

You know how we felt when a researcher said how they could not entertain other hard to prove Phenomenons, so why try, and thus he stays only in the box of, “Bigfoot is only a Wood Ape.” What if he met with researchers of other areas and started connecting the clues.

The Sasquatch Phenomenon may not fit into our human belief systems, but we humans screw up the stuff we are supposed to know. So…

As far as contradictions in the Bible. Back when we did not study the Bible, the only contradictions we knew about, were from other people. When being committed to reading and studying the Bible, God can talk to us.

We think that the contradictions fade away, as we truly know the Bible. Also, we have to know the context of the times, and the audience of the written word.

Contradictions: Links explaining this, are pending.

Suffering: See our page on God Creating Evil, to explore with us one example of a perceived contradiction, and we do discuss suffering to some extent. Maybe God did not create Evil, but free-will, and then monitors the Evil, like a referee, because there are rules even Evil has to follow.


Why did God do that to Job?

Question by the San Antonio Contact…


Answer from Bigfoot Eruption, March 2023:

Today at church we heard a young intern. He said that God is so big, that Job wouldn’t be able to comprehend God and His intentions. And God tells Him this, instead of actually giving an answer. This may sound like a cop-out answer, but our San Antonio contact agrees that we are too small to fully understand God. Now if you love God/Jesus and have a relationship with Him, then you can accept this and move on to the easier questions, but this may be the best answer. We don’t understand our God, and yet we understand plenty to know of His love and greatness, which is not enough for some. Those that can’t filter past the pain of others.

We are told that God does not give us more than we can handle. For the worst of situations, like Satanic Ritual Abuse, God must help in the midst of the pain. Ouch.

In our pain, God can be glorified. Example: when we are attacked, others are watching to see how we handle it.

We de have this question. Why even entertain Satan in this discussion? Why does Satan still talk to God? Why let Satan tempt Jesus in the desert? God knows. And who are we to demand answers? But as citizens in Kingdom, answers seem fair? We know governments keep things hidden away from the people when they feel they know what is best. Yes, and we don’t like that. Could we handle the truth? Do we deserve the truth?

We forget we are scum, because of Adam and Eve mingling with the Satan Snake Doppelgänger. Remember how the Nephilim, and many of the bloodline of these hybrids were condemned. Yes, there is talk of some hybrids that were allowed Salvation if they were sincere, but pretty much damned.

This shows how our union with Satan, almost equally damned humans, thus the importance of a Savior.

Is it interesting that for the most part, Jesus died for sinners, human sinners, and not hybrid sinners.

Also, the Fallen Angels are already imprisoned in Hell, and they don’t get a second chance.

Maybe Job actually had it pretty good.

Book of Job Summary: A Complete Animated Overview – YouTube

The Book of Job – YouTube


Why did God allow Satan to tempt Jesus in the desert?

Question by Bigfoot Eruption…

It does seem that God likes to flex when it comes to putting Satan in his place. Note: Satan actually thought he could talk Jesus Christ (God) into bowing before him? Satan is full of knowledge and such but wow he sure has done some stupid things. So, more questions come from this.

But for some reason Jesus had to do the 40 days in the wilderness before starting his ministry, the beginning of the end for His time on earth.

If we try to understand the mind of God; well, it is ok to try. Full knowledge of this sort would probably mean a meltdown of our brain. It does seem that those that understand God best, are the ones that seek to really know Him on a personal level. We recommend trying this.

We heard recently, why Jesus had to be tempted. The response of Jesus did set a precedent for something, but we did not write down fast enough what this was. pending…

Probably from a Blurry Creatures podcast, in the Spring of 2023. Pending…


Why did God allow the murder of babies since the beginning of time?

Question by the San Antonio Contact…

Bigfoot Eruption Answer, February 2023…

Why did Satan promote the killing of babies in every society of Idolatry, back in the day? Satan hates God’s creation and loves killing it.


If we have Free Will, then why did God harden hearts, like Pharoah, Judas, and more?

Bigfoot Eruption Answer, February 2023…

Pharoah and Judas had already chosen the dark side, and when you do that, God turns you over to it. He still loves you, but that is tough love. Then you grow darker, God has walked away from you, but He watches for you to return closer to Him. Be careful what you wish for.


Why does God/Jesus allow sever retardation and other harm to children?

I think about all of these things all of the time, but the only thing that really matters to me anymore is that little girl I saw yesterday and the condition she was in. For whatever reason, I cannot make a connection between severe retardation of a child and God/Jesus.

Is this the question to end all questions?

Bigfoot Eruption Answer, March 2023…

Hinduism would say that these children did bad, in a prior life; thus, their punishment is not only to be reincarnated int he lowest tier of sects. So, even less than that, to come back severely retarded/handicapped.

Other religions would say other things. That would be a good study.

Christian faiths would say that this is a Fallen world, and that God suffers with the suffering of people. This sort of answer is considered a typical/hypocritical Christian answer by some.

So as Christians, how do we find better answers? Or does God/His Holy Spirit just need more time to reach a person? It seems no answer is good enough for doubters.

Let’s start with this guy:

Daniel Duval – Fallen Eruption (


Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira for lying?

A question from Bigfoot Eruption.


Why no ancestorial line for Jesus brothers to this date?

Why, after nearly 2000 years, is there not a direct line of ancestry connecting Jesus to someone who is currently alive today?

Thanks to our San Antonio point of contact for this question.


Questions; image, by AJS1 | Pixabay.

Questions; image, by AJS1 | Pixabay.