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It came to us that some questions are harder to answer than others. One day when asking why did God let Satan into the Garden, our contact said, “Let’s put that question on the shelf, until we know more.” So, here we go.

Questions in order of answerability based on what we know so far.

1. Is the Bible the inspired word of God.

This blows it up right away, but people can generally get a feel which way to go on this one. If you don’t believe that the Bible is the inspired will of God for you to see it and read it, then it is possible none of these next questions, matter.

2. Can man’s interference in God’s word still penetrate in a positive way?

Not man’s interference being still positive, but can the Holy Inspired part, still happen and still help us. Can HIS message still get through.

Also, an easy question for people to take sides on right away. If you said no to the first question, then this question is a non-factor.

Many will say that if man influenced the Bible, that God somehow gets His message of the Salvation plan out to us successfully, despite man’s interference.

2.1 Why are these questions so hard to discuss right after a nap?


3. Hidden motives when Rome finally allowed Christianity?

Masking pagan religious holidays by putting Christian ones on the same days? Gee thanks.

We have a hypothesis that certain authorities got involved with the Christian structure to help control or minimize God, and the spread of the Christian message. Who would do this? Who is obviously doing this?

4. Why does it seem all of these questions will focus on Christianity?

Ding-ding-ding, we believe that is a clue.

5. Why would Cain kill his brother?

6. Why was Cain so evil?

7. What’s up with Lilith?

Already confusion of the story, interjected in the mix. Lilith is said by some to be Adams first wife, and was very evil.


98. Why give Lucifer so much authority?

He helped build Heaven, and the Garden of Eden. He is the lead angel in charge of music. Hells Bells!

99. Why Create Lucifer?

If God knew Lucifer would change into bad?

I think we have to consider that there is a pre-history, that is pre-Adam. Pre-adamic. There is a whole history buried, before Adam. Hello, Atlantis. High tech civilizations. Hello pyramids. Hello elongated skulls. Hello megalithic architecture.

100. Why did God allow Satan/Evil Snake, into the Garden?

We know that angels were posted to guard the entrance of Eden, so that Adam could not get in? No, so Satan could not get back in. An adjustment by God after the fact?

101. Why was that tree in the garden in the first place?

102. If the angels are posted to keep Satan out of Eden, why not give Adom and Eve a second chance now that the Snake can’t get back in?

103. Why put things in the Bible that will be hard to understand for future generations?

Written for the audience of that day yes. But some of it was written for all audiences, meaning Revelation is probably easier to understand in the future, for example.

For some reason God wants us to research and learn the context that the text was written.

104. Why change Lucifer’s name?