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Sleep Strategy

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The Sleep Strategy

So, when she wakes you up to have sex, then that is ok, because she is offering you an opportunity, a gift. She knows you would not want to say know, even if you are resisting at first. No one can blame you for being groggy at first, even though she will tease you about it later.

But you waking her for this same reason? This will not be considered at all to be the same thing. Why? Husbands will generally lose this battle. Did we say, “Battle?” Why is it a battle?

“But I need my sleep for tomorrow” would be a common phrase and mix in some cringy complaining sounds. So, the man could say the same thing and be justified. But most men do not want to turn down the wife when she really wants it. opportunity, and you don’t say no to a gift.

Probably should talk to her ahead of time on this, and you likely will get a “No.”

What if your force it and ask for forgiveness later? have you seen the matt Damon movie where the wife has him arrested for rape? For raping, her! So “No” means no.

So, men, say “No” next time your wife tries to pull this one on you. Yea, right.

We have a contact that says, or would say, that this is the man’s problem, and nothing sexually should be expected of the wife ever. It is up to the men to not be jerks about it.

Still, we would hope for a compromise with a healthy helping of love and understanding.

Bed; image, by Pexels – Pixabay.

Bed; image, by Pexels – Pixabay.