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Christian Cults: 101

San Antonio Contact: Christian Cults



Christian Science

  • Spotting Cults – Who Are They

Why Cults?

Imagine Education on Christian Cults, Devil in Classroom, Again; image by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.


Why are chained feet in the featured image of this page? Doesn’t that presume to think that Christian Cults are bad? Well, consider that Christianity itself has to look in the mirror, and clean up some things. So, why would Christian Cults get off the hook.

We originally used an image that was more specific to particular group, but then thought that wasn’t fair, and picked a picture that was more inclusive to all the Christian Cults.

As you will see in our other pages, Christian Cults have some ugly characteristics. If there are positives to share, we will share those also, as we research.

Our goal is to figure lay out Christianity vs the World Religions. Our hypothesis is that if Christianity is the way, then it will hold up against the comparison of all other religions. We have been challenged by some that God, Jesus and Christianity have a lot to answer for; thus, again, why would we let Christian Cults off the hook.

We should look at the whole Christianity umbrella.


Chains, Bondage; image, by PublicDomainPictures | Pixabay.

Chains, Bondage; image, by PublicDomainPictures | Pixabay.