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The Sex Commercial

Sex is used in commercials a lot.

Bing Videos – Dad Double Shot

In this one. A husband becomes Mr. Mom and stays at home with the new baby, wakes up at all hours to feed the baby, and is exhausted. The wife comes and goes and is a flipped portrayal of when the man would come home tired from work and not help with the baby.

It makes sense that the person with the larger incomes is not the one to stay home.

In the commercial he is so tired he used a fulfillment center to order a coffee machine and then late an espresso machine, through that company, and this helps him succeed through his being tired.

In the beginning it shows her coming and going because of work.

The commercial is almost over, and the wife is sitting and relaxing with a cup of coffee, and they are laughing. perhaps that is on the weekend. Note: On her workdays it seemed she was leaving in a hurry.

Then the last scene is her giving him the look, as she then walks through the kitchen. It takes him a second, but then follows like a tired, but “ready” participant. Time for sex.

We feel sorry for this guy. Ok, remember how a man comes home from work and wants sex, but the wife feels tired and underappreciated? Flip that.

But this guy is a guy, and of course he will want sex because his “factory” never stops making those little fishes.

The wife wants it during that period of the month when her body is talking to her brain about getting pregnant.

So how long did this dutiful husband have to wait for sex?

One contact said that the wife had sex with him to show appreciation. We say no. because she had the look on her face of someone who was hot to trot. Just appreciation, would have meant “maintenance sex.” And thus, less of a horny expression if this were the case.


We do agree that she felt appreciation, but didn’t she feel appreciation everyday ion the video? So, not until her body started wanting it, not until then. Meaning, what is a guy to do?

Trapped; image, by Geralt from Pixabay.

Trapped; image, by Geralt from Pixabay.