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Architect of Religions


We were listing to the Cultish Podcast today and they were learning about the timeline of Mohamed creating Islam. He and his followers would claim that a higher entity told him what to write in the Coran.

Part 1: Mohammed and the Origins of Islam — Cultish (

Jospeh Smith claimed the same thing, and to prove it many claimed Mr. Smith was illiterate. Not smart enough to have written from his own mind what the angel Morani dictated to him or showed him in that golden book that was never shown to anyone else.

We have often claimed that no man could have orchestrated Christianity into existence. The multi-layers, seemingly impossible to fabricate.

The Bible, each book written, God-inspired, by all kinds of people. A Prince (Moses), a King (David/Solomon), a Lawyer, a doctor, fisherman, martyrs, and more. Imperfect people. Also, the claim that a human alone could not do this. Imagine witnessing Jesus Christ, and then writing it down.

So, now back to the idea of God inspiring many different humans with different narratives.

So, did God want to pit us against each other? Did He keep changing his mind? Was he some smart teenager whiz-kid who won the war of the gods in some higher realm? Is this the Matrix?

Well, based on the complexity we would gladly award the design of Christianity to God, but to speak generically for a minute…

What if Fallen Angels, each wanting to be a version of God to some extent, tried to make their mark by establishing world religions, thus each world religion started by a Fallen Angel/Entity. This is fascinating.

This presumes that what most of us felt is true, that one of the religions is correct. The others, a power grab. We don’t even need to villainize the members of the incorrect religions, because they are the victims.

Upset because you feel all religions lead to God? Don’t be mad, you can be your own category of religion. Congrats now you are lumped in with all the rest.

Mormonism who would want to be considered the one true religion was re-botting Christianity; this, being tagged as a Christian Cult when among other things, claims that Jesus is not the Savior.

Bahai’ almost piggybacks off Christianity. See a theme here? Wanting to be a version of the one that is real. Is that a clue? In plain sight?

We think we are sensing a new page in the making, detailing what other religions stemmed from. Pending…

Mask; Image, by myshoun – Pixabay.

Mask; Image, by myshoun – Pixabay.