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Bigfoot Eruption responds, “Remember, if you hate God, then nothing about God and the Bible will make sense to you. He offers His Holy Spirit to help things make sense. If you blaspheme Him, then forget it.”

As we look for this email from July 3, 2024, we will say it as best we remember it. Our contact shares that…

God In the Old Testament

That is pretty much it, that this God shows He is not nice.

Jesus in the New Testament

He acts nothing like the God of the Old Testament.

Bigfoot Eruption responds, “And that is a good thing, to benefit us.” Trinity, for a reason.

Paul/Road to Damascus

Voodoo hokus-pocus three years after Jesus died. The timing is suspicious. Our contact feels this conversation story is made-up.

Bigfoot Eruption responds, “Regardless, historic record shows that Paul went on missionary journeys teaching the opposite of what he believed when he was murdering Christians, meaning, he experienced a major change.” God lets evil stew, and then pulls out a major win later. Yes, as humans we don’t like this, but with trusting God and taking on His Holy Spirit, it makes more sense. This is a fallen world.

Bigfoot Eruption responds, “Remember how the world mocks Jesus, but does not mock any other religion. This is proof. The world will hate the truth of Jesus because Satan seeks to destroy all good from the Creator.” 

Pending, more…


Miracle, Sky; image, by Ramdlon – Pixabay.

Miracle, Sky; image, by Ramdlon – Pixabay.