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Bigfoot Eruption asked this contact to give their answer to this question, proposed by our San Antonio point of contact.

Simple Answer: God has always been, and therefore was never created. This includes all persons of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Not three uncreated but one uncreated. (This in itself is a mystery)

This answer is likely unsatisfying for a non-Christian, since “God is beyond our comprehension” seems like a cop out to them. However, God’s nature being a mystery for His creation is not a bad thing. On the contrary, the mysteries of God are confirmation that God is beyond His creation. Any god that makes sense under our laws and understanding is frankly a lame god. Even angels and demons are a mystery to us, so it makes sense that God is even more mysterious in nature.

Ultimately, an atheist (or a member of any other religion) cannot understand God because they do not have the Spirit of God within them, from whom comes all understanding. The Christian, on the other hand, can (by the Spirit) be content with the words and promises of God, that He is who He says He is.

Created, God, Fantasy, Light, Mood; image, by KELLEPICS – Pixabay.

Created, God, Light, Mood; image, by KELLEPICS – Pixabay.