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September 1, 2023

Does Genesis 1:26 imply the Trinty when God says “Us” and does the Bible actually discuss the Trinity? Wow, that actually makes me feel dumb question because I have assumed it was in there. A question proposed by our San Antonio point of contact.


Create a page on the Divine Council and highlight Dr. Heiser. Is the Divine Council the Trinity or something else?


Create page for the Hebrew Roots movement. Could be put in the Christian Cults section and even the Judaism Cults section, which is not a section yet.

Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Ep 865 | Hebrew Roots Movement & Its False Gospel | Guests: Jeremiah Roberts & Andrew Soncrant of ‘Cultish’ (Part One) on Apple Podcasts


Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Ep 866 | Why Christians Don’t Need Jewish Traditions | Guests: Jeremiah Roberts & Andrew Soncrant of ‘Cultish’ (Part Two) on Apple Podcasts

Also, try to define if the Hebrew Roots Movement is a cult. A denomination? Hey, are denominations, cultish?


Create a page for the Cultish podcasts. Would likely go in the Fallen Contributor’s section. (?) Also, would go in the Christian Cults section of the Christianity section, at least as a link.

Note: Have they been on Blurry Creatures?


Create a page for Constantine and his pros and cons. Could go in a section related to Deception, but likely would go in the Christianity Section.

August 24, 2023

Create page for the controversy of KIng Ahaziah’s age. Questions section.

Ahaziah of Judah – Wikipedia

Was Ahaziah 22 years old (2 Kings 8:26) or 42 years old (2 Chronicles 22:2) when he started his reign?

Was Ahaziah 22 years old (2 Kings 8:26) or 42 years old (2 Chronicles 22:2) when he started his reign? |

Contradictions: Two Ages at Once | Answers in Genesis

We also thought there was a mismatch of when he died, but now we can’t find it.

August 17, 2023

Create page for new North Albany POC content.

16 August 2023

Create a page for this content:

That is humans that have dominion over the Earth, not God or Satan. He talks about how God works through us. God gave us the authority on Earth. He doesn’t have it. He works through us. Someone who has authority on Earth prays and with the power of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit things happen.

Hi guys! Interesting conversation. I just want to chime in and agree with the premise of this book. I have heard this from other sources. That is why it is so important to learn how to pray and tap into that authority! What I have been told is that when we go about our daily lives we can make choices that sadly give our authority to Satan, even temporarily, and that opens the door for some of these bad things we face. God can honor our simple prayer, but as we grow closer to Him we get promoted. We have more authority, but we face more attack.

The image of your book won’t download for me. What is it called? Perhaps Rob and I should read it together.

13 August 2023

Create a page called “Truth vs True.”

11 August 2023

Create a page called Alberino/Alien Crash/Jesus. Based on input from the San Antonio POC.

Alberino * Aliens * Jesus – Fallen Eruption (

10 August 2023

Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey on Apple Podcasts

She makes it seem so clear. Proof that you need a mentee, a mentor, and a peer, for life, and things you love like being a Christian or whatever.

8 August 2023

Do we need a page for the daily timeline in Fallen Eruption, like we do in Bigfoot Eruption? Might be best to keep these things specific to their sub sites?


Make a Stryper tribute section.


Blurry Creatures: EP: 184 The Supernatural with the Cultish Podcast on Apple Podcasts

Lust for knowledge, corrupts. Blurry Creatures

Idol worship is much more than just loving football.

This podcast really says it all. Listen to it again to pull out good quotes and other nuggets of info.

Do a page for Cultish, the Podcast where Christians discuss the Cult world.

Do a page listing well-known Deconstructionists. Note this is such a sad topic for us, do we really need to know the actual people that made this choice? Or just learn the what and the why?

Josh Harris:

Josh Harris Launches Course on Deconstructing Faith, but Some Theologians Question His Motives (

Note: This makes us feel Defensive for God. Is that, ok? Use this feeling, to learn more.

Look into the Theology Thug podcast.

Anger; image, by PublicDomainPictures – Pixabay.

Anger; image, by PublicDomainPictures – Pixabay.