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Things we have learned since creating this site…


Meeting contacts to help fill this site is a slow process.

Having a contact hen-peck us or not being the answer to their questions, is tough.

Site Construction

Why did we make equal pages for Evil, and the Demonic? Doesn’t it make sense that the Demonic would be a sub=page of Evil? But we can’t undo it, because if you do that, then you make many of the previous hyperlinking, invalid. So, we leave it and learn from the mistake.

And who decides what is a main category of a group of categories. Well, we do, but it is just a means of pressing forward, sometimes not knowing if we are right.

We are starting a section called Christian Deconstruction Dumpster Fire. This is to show what we could have done differently in our relationship with a deconstruction contact. But where to place it. Under the main category called Warfare? It has been placed under the new main category of Christian Deconstruction, which is under the parent page called Christianity, Will we link the new page to the Warfare main page, anyway, but leave it parented under Christian Deconstruction? Yes, because as we have learned the danger of changing a links name, but also because this way, more chances for someone to see the category as they surf around the site.

Surfing around the site is a two-fold strategy. First, the viewer getting quickly to the adjoining information, and second, more hits for the site.

Forest Fire; images, by sippakorn – Pixabay.

Forest Fire; images, by sippakorn – Pixabay.