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If you look at it in terms of Satan winning battles, he still never seems to win the war.


Hitler, and worldwide takeover, failed. An awful and impressive effort, that suddenly fizzled out. Maybe God so, “No!” Why God waited until six million jews had died, we may ponder. The point here is that when God had seen enough it was over. The Nazi empire going underground to South America and Antarctica, well, at least we aren’t all speaking German.


Yes, the Fall of the world. But then God administered plan B.


Plan B was Jesus dying on the cross, fulfilling prophecy, and more. This is known as the dumbest thing Satan ever did. For being so smart, this was an all-time stupid move. Why? Because God makes the rules. As much as that upset’s deconstructionists, yes God made the rules.

What if the pre-adamic world needed salvation too. Now they had a chance when Jesus went into the afterlife to minister to all souls before His resurrection.

Exodus Egypt

None of those people were worthy to go into the Holy Land, but their children were.

Exodus Heaven

Took 1/3 of all Angels with him. Well, 2/3 stayed and guess what, God can more Angels!

Note: Insert Blurry Creatures Podcast: I see Angels

Exodus Watchers

The Angels, called the Watchers, came to earth to help man, and then overstepped. No, we don’t think they are the 1/3 that fell. So, this would show that angels are capable of still falling. So, the 1/3 are in jail, like in Hell.

The Watchers taught a bunch of stuff out of turn, and exchange tech for human wives. Their children were called the Nephilim, men of renowned. Hello Hercules. And the Nephilim’s children were the giants. Hello Goliath.

The Watcher then witnessed their own children war against each other, and eventually they all died, as if Good finally said that enough is enough. After hundreds of years of cruelty to humans.

Then the flood wiped out the rest of them.

Each time God wipes them out, a remnant of them remain. A bigger plan at hand? But still an example of Satan never getting a leg up.

No wonder the Satanic Kabul has learned to play the long game. They hate God so much that they play the long game, for an entity that hates them, we think most politicians fall into this category.

More pending…

Fallen; image, by ELG21 – Pixabay.

Fallen; image, by ELG21 – Pixabay.