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You want proof? One of our contacts says that no one has proof. Check this out:
“Prior to exploring the roots of the Bible and its contradictions, I had gone down some deep rabbit holes with a lot of the stuff you’re talking about here. I’m here to tell you, there are many lines of thought out there. You know what I found to be true? Nothing.”
More on this in an upcoming page…
The truth of proof is that witness testifies are the biggest proof, which science does not back. Just ask the Bigfoot Community. Many will say, “I don’t believe.” Then they see Bigfoot, and then they believe, and now the same problem exists, proof for you is not proof? This is frustrating.
But we have to try:
Feeling It
The mysterious peace that only can you feel once you give yourself over to it. Something that can’t be explained until you encounter it. Yes, those that are against the idea of a loving God really hate this one.
Witness Testimonies
People don’t believe those that see Bigfoot, so why would someone who is mad at God/Jesus, believe in witness testimonies? We must try. Maybe testimonies are to encourage those that do believe.
The Case for Christ
The book about the man’s life, and then the movie; super convincing folks. A real reporter sets out to prove Christ is a fake, and the result is amazing.
All the prophecies about Christ had to come true for Jesus, and they did. Is this not proof? If this is true, then this is proof?
Historic Record
History proves a lot. The problem is, can we trust those that wrote down the history. Agendas seem to rule the written word.
Scientific Record
The Bible proves science to be true. Science proves the Bible to be true.
The Bible
Old and New Testament blends to make a pathway guidebook for the Salvation plan. Redemption after the fall of mankind. Why would a selfish, inconsiderate God, do that?
The Grandma Factor
Grandma grew up a Christian and that is all she knew. Is there something to be learned from that?
Creation Itself
Similar to the science category.
DNA is a written language.
IN our search for the WHAT, WHY, and How of Bigfoot, we were able to connect the dots to the Bible.
The Bones
Why does science hide the bones once we find them? Because if you prove that Giants existed, then the Bible is true.
I know you are already having issue with our list.
Witness Testimony from the least likely of people, seems to give it more credibility. Like an ex-Satanic High Wizard, that is now a Christian, we tend to give more credibility to, than grandma that went to church her whole life? Or do we? – July 2023, Bigfoot Eruption
Note: our San Antonio point of contact says that witness testimony is not valid evidence and claims that he feels sad for those duped by God into thinking their victory is valid, but just a crutch.
Note: Our search into these hard questions is showing that you Trust God or you don’t. Those that do feel hope and tend to be able to let go of the hard questions, knowing that we have all eternity to figure it out, but that for now, trust. It seems trust is rewarded. Choose to not trust God, then the hard questions still seem to not have answers. So, it seems those that turn on God go in circles, unless they conclude in things that give them peace but requires shutting out tools that God is providing as shutting out all things that would convict us.
Note: We have jumped headfirst into the hard questions thinking that we were helping those that don’t want God and Jesus anymore. Instead, nothing we research is good enough for them, and we ourselves feel we are further from God. Meaning, beware of this path. – January 2024, Bigfoot Eruption
Note: A Christian’s proof is not proof to those that are now set on disbelief. Be prepared for nothing you say to penetrate. Do you have thick skin? Pray for a layer of protection as you get blasted with a fire hose of reasoning that shreds you.
Note: Only the Holy Spirit can penetrate. Do the seeds we plant in our efforts ever take hold? Time to research Deconstructionists that have returned to trust in God/Jesus. – January 2024, Bigfoot Eruption

Finish Line; image, by 12019 – Pixabay.
Finish Line; image, by 12019 – Pixabay.