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Greg sent us this message:
Great article I just read about you guys! I believe Bigfoot is Demonic, of Satan….lets share few things. Bigfoot has several names, from my research Bigfoot has been seen in all nations…. I believe UFO’s are demonic, believe who have seen UFO’s and bigfoot has felt a sense of evil guys. Now UFO’s have been around huge lakes and huge rivers, can you guess what’s been seen in those areas where UFO’s are located….seen Bigfoots. How is it that none of militaries of world has never caught one??? It because they are the Devil/satan.
Now there have been several stories of where people have died, and fought demons, or have been next to hell, God said to demons let them go, it’s not their time. These people who have experienced this get Born Again/ Saved and ask The Lord Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior…. they tell story how these Demons smell like Sulfur guys!! I believe 100% in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, ASK Him to be my LORD AND Savior…. I believe 100% that BIGFOOT and UFO’s and Ghost are demons, they are here to deceive mankind…. people will say see God didn’t create the Heavens and earth, so there no need to follow moral laws God Has SET in the Word of God… its ok to murder babies and have sex with anyone…. stories of Demon or demonic encounters are real. God of The Bible is REAL TOO!!!
Usually when we get an email that starts with “Great Article” it is SPAM. Meaning, someone that actually does not care, but is selling men’s products, and other products. Sometimes, it is not even that, but someone practicing how to be fake.
Greg’s email however, we will take seriously. Real or fake, it has good content for us all to consider. Benefit of the doubt, we will call it real.
We did not edit the punctuation in case that is proof one way or another/real or fake.
We did respond back to Greg, and no response yet, this would mean that this is SPAM. But why does it touch on themes that we consider valid thoughts in our site? Is it a BOT that has learned the content of our site, and for what agenda?
Note: We have never had SPAM before sharing the idea that Bigfoot is Demonic. Nor have we ever had SPAM that shared the path to Salvation through Christ Jesus. So, Greg is probably a real person, making a real effort to share, and not SPAM.
Also, sometimes high-level entities promote disinformation. Never has disinformation been of the form of “Bigfoot is Demonic” nor “Salvation through Jesus Christ.” In fact, nothing in Greg’s message would suggest disinformation.
Also, the typos we corrected we see common with actual human contributors.
Why are we going on and on about this? Because disinformation is real, and getting a real human contributor is exciting. Also, if we can spot a faker, then we can get closer to knowing the truth. The truth would be opposite that of the disinformation.
(No More)
We met an author, J.P. Barnett – Lore Stalker, at sQuatch Fest 2021, Kelso/Longview, Washington, and we saw on his web site that he no longer has a Contact Form, because of all the SPAM.
We understand.
(Hidden Gems)
We do get an occasional gem; however, and so for now we sift through the muck. Here are some examples:

Demonic; image, by Karabo_Spain – Pixabay.
Demonic; image, by Karabo_Spain – Pixabay.