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Is Evil different than Demonic? That’s like having a separation section for the Nephilim, and another for Giants. At Bigfoot Eruption, we try.

Proposed to be the first disgruntled wife of Adam, and hero to the feminist movement. Her evil goes deep as she is even used in the false Adam’s first wife strategy to undermine, God, Adam, and the Bible.

649: Lilith and The Fallen — The Confessionals (

Listen to this Podcast and hear the possible origin of Lilith, and the origin of Bigfoot.

Known also as a Vampire, and the original Succubus, the demon that attacks men with lust, as well as killing children.

Put under EVIL instead of the Demonic section because she was first human, but congrats on making it hard on us since you qualify for both.

657: Lilith Comes Calling — The Confessionals (

Lilith, Evil, Goddess of Evil image, by Valadj – Pixabay.

Lilith, Evil, Goddess of Evil; image, by Valadj – Pixabay.