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Another title for this page could be, “God’s Going to Win.” But you don’t like how He stacked the deck.
Should we be glad that God created evil? Just because He created it, doesn’t mean He wants to hurt anyone. If you created it, then you can control it. It is possible God knows all the moves to win this. He is God, after-all. Some say we blame the Devil too much for things. We say we don’t give God enough credit for knowing what He is doing.
And God does exist. Even our deconstruction point of contact believes in God, it’s just that he doesn’t trust the narrative anymore. Meaning, he is not happy with God.
Note: Deconstruction means, to deconstructs out of the Christian faith. You were, and now you are not.
Find an example of games or sporting events that have rules we don’t like. We don’t get to change the rules.
In the movie the Matrix, one pill takes you back to being mindlessly controlled in your perceived life, and the other pill shows you the truth.
Knowing Jesus is knowing the Truth. Everything is pointing to this, and nothing else is making sense. If you don’t agree, then you will agree that the analogy does work. Teh pill that reveals the truth, doesn’t fully make sense at first, and then it does, even though it takes time to fully adapt.
Let’s say Satan was Jealous as Lucifer, and God tapped into plan B. Sending his triune Son to die for us to be Saved from the Adom and Eve curse that separated us from God. If you don’t like that Gid did not prevent this mess, well, sorry, the only way out of this is to follow Him. If you do, it is rewarding.
God created evil? God created Lucifer? Ok, many are upset about this; however, it doesn’t mean that God isn’t God, and it doesn’t mean that He does not have a plan. It definitely doesn’t change His love for us, His Creation.
God made us to function a certain way. You are mad that God didn’t create Angels to no fall? Well, within us he put the means to have relationship with Him that is a choice. That is powerful. If we fall, we still have a chance. No wonder some Angels are jealous of us.
Our Salem point of contact, believes that God created evil and good, to work together. As much as this makes us nervous, let’s look at it. She says that a battery requires a positive and a negative charge, otherwise it will not work. This is a clever example. This doesn’t mean the negative is good. By definition and purpose, it is not good. It is bad. See how He built in the balance?

Imagine God created evil to control it, so that Satan couldn’t; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.
Notice in this image, the evil is held off, not consuming the human. Noted, sometimes evil does kill, but that doesn’t mean that God wasn’t holding that person as they passed from this life into the next one. Remember, this life is nothing compared to the next one.
In this balance He knew that Pharoah would have a hardened heart. Same with Judas. In both cases two damned people that were definitely against following God, were used by God to create the positive outcome that God needed in the redemption story.
Remember that all but one of the twelve Apostles died as martyrs, meaning they died, were killed, just because they were Christians. John died of old age but not before being tortured and exiled. The enemy really wanted the message of Christ eliminated, even ordering the killing of Christians. Imagine, Christians of all ages in the arenas being killed by Lions?
So, the question of God letting good people die, we need to get a handle on it right away. We need to remember this is a spiritual war. We imagine that when an earthly hero is killed, he/she is immediately ready to return for spiritual battle, even stronger. This senseless killing only prepared another warrior for the fight.
We will continue pondering the hypothesis offered by our Salem point of contact.
More soon…

Batteries; image, by PublicDomainPictures – Pixabay.
Batteries; image, by PublicDomainPictures – Pixabay.