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Our Marine Point of Contact has a heart for Bible understanding and teaching…

Living Waters (pending)

Ray Comfort – Fallen Eruption (

Marine Sessions – Fallen Eruption (

June 23, 2024

Our first meeting with our Marines Point of Contact.

Notes: Pending – Expanding notes into more content…


Helper is the Holy Spirit, Verse 8, which book of the Bible we do not know as we were slow to get it in our notes.
When He comes, He will convict the world…
Our job not to prove.
Opposite of love is not hate but indifference.
Our Marine P.O.C. prefers sharing over the phone. Helpful for articulating, then over phone…
Omagle, is website to random stranger chat room, practicing evangelism skills.

Hebrews 4:

All are naked to him we must…

Hebrews 4:13 NIV – Nothing in all creation is hidden from – Bible Gateway

John 16

The means we bring about conviction

Does feel gifts extend more

No one has spoken like Jesus/transformed the world/split time, no one but Jesus.

Use scripture even when people are against it.

Prove without?

If you say put down the sword, then do you have to put down your Bible? No.

Ephesians 6

Hebrews 4 pierces

John 16 holy spirit

Can ever convince intellectually.


John 15, the world hates you, servant is not greater than His master…
22…if I had not come and spoken…

People are Idolaters.
Create version of God to suite himself because that god is ok with his sin.

Psalms, don’t mock God. Don’t do it.

Atheist, like we heard in YouTube video last night. An atheist has no basis for morality so it should be ok to them to kill, or sin in general.

Social contract. The land called boingo boingo,

Basically, if you go somewhere where no religion and no God have penetrated, then they will have some construct of good and bad but have no way to know if they are right.

You are visiting and they are nice, but then say that one child per month is found and beaten to death, just because. You disagree with this.

Con with
Science knowledge

The Four Questions to ask…

Nothing to something
Non-life to life
Single cell to double cell

Liar lunatic or lord
Liar intentional
Or he is who he says…

Jude, my plight, 23

The one thing we can’t do in heaven is evangelize.

I Cor 1 and 6
2 Cor 5

Ephes 6

Wash in Bible.


Paul in Romans…
Say your sins…
But have you?
You read the Bibel…typical…

Marines; image, by alavays – Pixabay.

Marines; image, by alavays – Pixabay.